Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Cat Pharaoh"

"Cat Pharaoh".

This entry, does have to do, and with what is said as Element, and of said African Identity, and as said too perceived, and as such that is. That it can too speak, and of what is said as African Identity, and as said too now perceived, and from talk too, and of those said too as, 'the myth-maker' that is, and if not of what is said as Element that is, and as said too now perceived, and from what can be said as a 'Pharaonic Element' that is, and if not of what is said as Identity, and as said too now perceived, and not from what is said as Solid, or of said too Solidification that is, but in all truly, speak too now, and of what is merely, or simply said as, and as said Solidified that is. Of the said Solidified, and of what is said as 'the Pharaonic Element', and of the said too now argument, and of the said even best of said manners in all, and in Dating that is, and as said too as Historical, what is in all said as Egyptian History that is, and from its said too origins, and if not as said too now as African History in itself that is.

In the said too that is, equating of, and of said life too that is, the Elemental, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Periphery too that is, of Sides, of Borders, the Peripheral, now is to and in all, even refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Cat Pharaoh too that is, the Elementary, the Element, and as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, of Elements, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Sub-Context too that is, of Ends, of Limits, or if not of the said Sub-Existing too that is, of Edges, of Boundaries.

In talk though, and of what is said as of 'Cat Pharaoh' that is, of Africa, of India, of Lions, [Link], now is to and in all even perceive, what is said as of Africa Identity that is, and from talk too, and of what is said too as of the Existential that is, and if not of what is said as of the Dimensional too that is, and if not and in all again, of what is too said now as 'Cat Pharaoh' that is, now said and in all even, perceived, and from what is said to speak, and of the said now African Domestic Cat that is, and if not of the said even African Wild Cat that is, and of both said to in all even now refer, and to speak too and of the said even Abyssinian, and if not of the said even Savannah Cat too that is. 

In talk though, and for what is said as the Existential, and if not of the said Dimensional too, and in said too regard, and to what is said as African Identity that is, and if not of the said too 'Cat Pharaoh' that is, now is to say it all, and as said to in all even now refer, and to speak too of the Planar, and if not of the said Existential too, and of said too now 'Planes of Existence' that is, and that can too now be said to in all even speak, and of Africa, and as it is, today, and from talk too now, and of what is said as Kenya, or as said Kenyan too, of said too KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa that is, and if not of said too Nigeria that is, of said too Egypt that is, [Link], of Cairo, and if not in a said too regard now, and to what is too believed said to and in all even speak, and of what are said as of Pairings too that is. Of such said Pairings too, and of the said too now African Domestic Cat that is, and as said too now paired, and to the said even now, African Wild Cat that is, and in said too regard now, and to what is too said as 'Cat Pharaoh' that is, and in now referring, and to what is said as Dimensional, and in said regard to what is said as African Identity, and if not of the said too now, 'Cat Pharaoh' that is, to in all even refer, and to what is said as an Extended View that is, and if not and in all again, of what are now believed said too as African Dimensions that is, and that would too now be said to in all even speak of, or refer to, and to the said even now regions that is, and of said East Africa, of said Central Africa too, and if not of said Western Africa too that is.

Of the said 'Cat Pharaoh', and of what is believed said to speak, and of the said Existential in itself, and if not of the said Dimensional in itself too, and as probably best said too now equated, and to speak and of what is said as Individualism in itself it can best be said, and of the Existential too, and if not of what is too now said, and to speak and of the said 'Sub' in itself, and of the said 'Subbing' too that is, and if not of the said too Sub-Context that is, the Sub-Existing, and of what too is said as Dimensional that is, and if not of what is too said as of Individualism that is, and of the said too Existential that is, and as said too now and again, perceived, and from what are simply said as ideas that is, and if not in said regard, and to what is said too said now as the 'Sub' that is, and of said 'Subbing' too, and of the said even Dimensional too that is, best said too perceived now, and from what are in all said as of Cues too that is.

In having said the above though, and on what is said as 'Cat Pharaoh', now is to and in all even associate it all, and in said even regard, and to the said too Egyptian Medicine tradition that is, and to talk and of the said Existential, and of what too is said as Individualism, and with talk too now, and of what some have termed as said Psycho-Metry that is, but of the said Dimensional, and of what is too said to speak and of the 'Subbing' that is, and as said to in all even speak, and of the said too Sub-Sequent for instance, talk too now, and of what is said as Psycho-Genic that is. 

In too saying that, my said Dictionary and that I do too have at hand, does too now define, what is said as Psychometry, and if not of what is said as Psychogenic, and in the said following terms that is:

Psychometry : divination, from personal, physical contact with an object, of the character etc., of the object or of people connected with it.

Psychogenic : belonging to or originating in the mind, mental etc.

now is to and in all even claim that, what is said as 'Cat Pharaoh', can too be said and in all even, reduced, and to talk now, and of the said even term and of Psychasthenia that is, and which my said Dictionary, does too and in all even now define as follows:

Psychasthenia : any of a variety of mental disorders involving irrational obsessions and fears.

Of Psychasthenia, and as said to in all even now speak, and of what is said as African Medicine in itself for instance, and as probably said to in all even now speak, and of the said too "Stand-Alone" for instance, the Stand, [Link], African, and of what is too and in all said as Solidified too that is, and if not and in all again, in a said too regard now, and to what is said too as African Medicine itself that is, and if not in a said regard to, and to what is believed said to speak and of, and of what is too said as of 'all there is' that is.

of 'Cat Pharaoh'.


Nairobi; Kenya, East Africa.

the Kenya National Archives. the Oshwal Center.