Monday, September 18, 2017


African Spiritualism.

In a said previous entry, and on this very said Blog of Contra 'Nairo', I did in all even present a said View, and of what could too be said as Skyscraper Technology [Link] that is, and which did in all too attempt, to present such said Technology, Skyscraper Technology that is, and from what is too said as Base, of the said too Basics, and of what is too said as Section, and if not of what is said as Basis, and of the said too now Audible, of the said Hearing, and if not of the said Listening too that is. 

In having said all this, now is to and in all even claim that, life, and as it is said too, lived out today, and in talk, and of what is said as Spiritualism that is, does to and in all even now refer, Spiritualism that is, and to it all too, and as probably best said perceived, and as said as Modern Spiritualism that is. Of what is too said as Modern, and that does too now tell us that, alot and of what can be said as Modernist for instance, and if not of what are said as Mechanics, and of said too Machinery for instance, does too now it can be said, be in all even said traced, and to speak and of the said even Farm complex that is, and in the said too History and of the United States of America that is, and if not of the said too American Plantation in itself, and which would in all even refer, and to the said even American Inventor, but that in all again, unknown to most, the said even Invention and of the Car for instance, is too said  to in all even arise, and amidst talk, and of what is said as Machinery that is, and in the said even Farm complex too that is.

In too saying that, what is too said as Modernist, and in speak too and of the above said, can too be said even now perceived, and from what is said as Base, and if not of what is said as Modern too, for we did and in all even, and above, speak, and of what is said to speak and of the Basics, and of what is said too as Section that is, and in said too regard, and to the said even Skyscraper Technology post that is, and can too be said now to speak, and of what does in all even speak and of, Technology today, and as said to in all even encompass, talk, and of the said Computer in itself, and which can too be said even, equated, and to talk and of what are said as Accessories, and as said too as Personal that is, and if not of said too now Personal Technology that is, and if not as said as Personalized, and of the said even now, meaning, and of said terms, and such as that said as Personalization that is, and if not of the said too meaning now, and in said connotation too, and of what is said as Personalisation that is.

In reverting though, and to talk and of what is said as Spiritualism, and if not in said regard now, and to what can best be said as Sectioning, and of the said even perceiving and of life, and as said too as everyday, or of the said daily too, and as such, in speak of Sectioning that is, and which can too now, and in said regard and to what is said as Spiritualism that is, and if not as said Modern,  can too now be said to in all even refer, and to the said even defining in all, or redefining in all too, and of what is said as Personal that is, and if not as said as Individual too, and towards talk too now, and of what can for instance, be said to in all even speak, and of what some have termed, and in the said even Ifa religion that is, and as said to in all even speak and of what can be said as Ofo Ase [Link] that is, of the said even reading and of Don Quixote too for instance, of the said even Missal that is, of the said too reading of Indaba, My Children that is, of the said even reciting of the Koran that is, and if not of the said even now music and of both said John Coltrane, and if not of said Miles Davis too that is.