Friday, September 8, 2017

Maisha Magic Bongo

Maisha Magic Bongo.

Maisha Magic Bongo, can too be said now, a said even Swahili Television Channel, and as said mow showing and on the said DSTV Televison Service, and that does too offer Content, and that is merely said reflective, and of what is said as Swahili life that is. 

This entry, does though, have to do, and with what some would term, and as said, 'the Kenyan spirit' that is, and in said too regard, and to what does too pass for, survival, and in Kenya, and if not in speak, and of what are best said as Imaginings, and of Success in itself too. That the said even 'Kenyan spirit', can too best be said, equated, and to what is said as Striving that is, and if not in said regard and to it all as said now recognized, and in said detail or existence, and by what too can be said termed as said, a 'Sense of Relief' that is, and by which, we can in all even now, speak too and of, and of what is said as Recovery in itself that is. Of Recovery too, and of what is too said as Exhaustion in itself that is, and in speak too now and of what too are said as Ends that is, and not of said Goals truly either, and of the said even now, 'Making of Ends Meet' that is, and as said to in all even now lead, and to what is said as Appeasement in itself that is, and if not as said too now, as as said Conscience that is, and as said Kenyan too that is.

In speak though, and of the said even Maisha Magic Bongo Television Station, we can too now speak, and of what are said as Vitendo, and if not of the said Argumentative too that is, and as said too about, what is too said as Reality in itself that is. Of such said Argument, and of said Vitendo too, and of what is said as Relief in itself, and in said Experience, Emotion, State, Belief etc., and such that, it does too now call upon, the said even Swahili term, and of Maumivu that is, and if not of what is said as Satisfaction in itself, and in said Fulfillment too, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Recurrent, or Repetitive too, and if not in said regard, and to what is said as Maumivu that is, and as best said now equated, and to talk, and of said even Mental Imaging, or 'Picturing' too that is, and of what is too now believed said to speak, and of what is said as Relief in itself, and of said Relief and in itself too that is.