Saturday, June 24, 2017

the Lion

the African Lion.

on Self-Realization.

When we do and in all even refer, and to the very said term of the Dawn, or of what is said to as Dawn we can too be said, to in all even refer, and to the said two Feet, we do in a even stand on. That it too can be said that, the very said term of the Dawn, or of the said Dawning too, does and in all even now differ, and from the said even origins, birth, arisings, beginnings, starts etc., and of what is said Civilization in itself that is, for what is said as the Dawn, or of the said Dawning too, can too be said to in all even speak, and of what can be said termed as 'Self-Realization' in itself that is, and which can too now be said even merely perceived, and from the very said even term of Collectively that is, for it is too said a term, and that could too be said to in all even speak, and of the said even African Lion that is, and of what they do term a Pride of Lions too that is, and as said to in all even impact one, and in said talk too, and of what is said as a Mark in itself, and on ones said Conscience too, and if not of it all as said too an Impression that is, and of what is said to speak of the African Lion, or of the said Pride of Lions too that is. In many a way, and in said even regard, and to what is said as the Self, such a said Mark, and on the Conscience, and if not of the said African Lion and in said Impression too, now is too said a Mark, and upon which talk, and of what is said as Civilization, can too be said even built upon that is.

The Kenya Media Project.

This said section, and on what can be said termed as said, the Kenya Media Project, can too be said to in all even refer, and to what some have termed, as said Human Endeavour that is, and if not in said regard to speak, and of said Human History too, and that can too be said even best perceived, and in said regard and to the said even rise of Civilizations in itself that is, and from the said too perspective, and of what are said as Classification Systems that is, and if not in said regard, to speak, and of what are said as of Forms of Knowledge that is, and that do in all even speak, and of said too Classes of Knowledge that is.

In saying that, the said even rise of Civilization, is too said even to speak, and of what is said as Iron, Monument, Text, Temple, Settlement etc., we can too now be said, to in all even refer, and to the said Kenya Media Project, and as said to in all even speak of, and of what is said too as a Community Center that is, and if it can too be said that, it a does too refer, and to the said even Classification of Knowledge in itself, and in said regard, and to what is said as a Field of Study, or of said Knowledge too, and if not of the said too Fielding of such said Knowledge that is. In many a way, it can be said that, talk of the said Community Center, can too be said even, to in all even have, a said African Psychology to it all, and that would too refer, and to the said even Kiswahili term, and of Dunga that is. That what is said as Dunga, does too and in all even differ, and from what is said as Injection for instance, for while Dunga, can too be said even, to in all too speak, and of what is said a prick, and of the said startle too, we can too now though say it all a term, Dunga that is, explainitive in all, and of the said even nature of the African that is, and with it said too, talk of Dunga that is, to in all even impact, those said African, and in said even regard and to what is said as understanding in itself, and if not of what is said as impression in itself too, and at said even now physical, mental, spiritual, somatic etc. levels that is. That in many a said way too, what is said as Dunga, now does too speak, and of the said Mark in itself, and one and in said Reaction in itself too, and to it all, and with it too said even a Response, and that would too speak, and of what is said as Dunga, and of ones said Response to it all too that is.