Sunday, September 10, 2017



This entry, and on what is said as Despondency, will too and in all, illuminate, and on what can too be said termed, and as said the African Condition, and as said too now, pertaining, and to what too is said to speak, and of the said Existential that is. That it all too, will in all attempt to claim that, life in itself, is in all too believed said to in all even exist, and in talk too now, and of what is said as Despondency in itself that is.

That in talk of Despondency, talk too now, and of the said even Book of Genesis, and in the Bible, and of the said Garden of Eden, and of the very said name of God too, of Adam, and of Eve, and if not of the said too now, famed, Cherubim with a flaming Sword, and of the said Tree of Life, and of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, of the said Forbidden Fruit, and of the said too now Cunning Snake or Serpent that is, and of what would in all too transpire, and in the said even believed here, name, and of Despondency in itself that is, and in the said Garden of Eden, and of Despondency, and as probably said too as Regret in itself that is.

That in saying that, Despondency, can too be said even equated now, and to our said too need for Sleep, and of its said too connotations that is, and in said semblance too that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said as Reticence, and in said too Surrender, of what is said as Reluctance that is, and in said too Defeat that is, and if not of what is too said as Replete, and of the said too Setback that is, and of Despondency now, and as said to in all even speak, and of what is said as Avoidant in itself that is.

In talk though, and of the very said names, and of both said Frodo Baggins, and of said Bilbo Baggins too, and of the said too now Lord of the Rings that is, Despondency, does too now appear, to in all too be said the very said name, and of the Ring in itself, and if not of the said Ring Bearer too, and if not in said too regard, and to what is in all even believed, and as said, in Existence that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, and on Despondency that is, talk too now, and of the said Search, and for the said African Mask, and if not what is said as Inquiry, and in said too regard now, and to what is said as the African Cross that is, and of such a said Cross, African, and in said too now Identity that is, and if not of the said African Mask, and in said too now Recognisance that is, and as all said to in all even now refer, and to what is said as Despondency, or of what Despondency, is in all even said to be, or said even all about that is.