Friday, September 1, 2017

the Uraeus

the Uraeus.

This entry, and as said too titled, as said the Uraeus, will too attempt, to in all even deal with, and with the said even question, and of what is said as Development, and of why it is believed said to matter that is, and if not of the said even now, asking that is, and of if or if not, Africa that is, is in all too said able, to in all very much, stand on its very own said two Feet that is, and in said too regard, and to speak and of Development, and as often said presented and by many, and as said to in all even now, refer, and to what is said as Technology, and as said too as Modern, and of such said Technology, said too as Modern that is, said too now to encompass talk, and of the said even Television, of said Google too for instance, and if not of what is said as Artificial Intelligence in itself, and as aptly simply said here too, as said as AI that is. That it all too, does now and in all equate, talk of Development, and with talk too and of China today, and of what can too be said here, said here to speak, and of said even Massive Developments that is, and in China today, and that can too be said to refer, and to what is said as Chinese, and as said too now, as said as Sino- that is.

That in said even regard, and to what is said as Development in itself, perhaps a said too now referral, and to what is said as a Meeting Point that is, and of said even Historical relations, and between said Egypt and Nubia too for instance, and if not of what are said as Crossroads that is, or at said Crossroads too that is, and of Egypt, and of Italy, and in said History too that is.

In asking though, and of the said even best of said manners in all, and of viewing Development, and as said too as African, now is to speak, and of that said even Ancient, and in spirit too, Religion, and of Voodoo that is, African, and that does too and in all even, have a said approach to it all, and in said regard and to speak, and of what is said as Impartial, or of said Impartiality too, and to what is said as in Existence that is, and in said too regard now, and to what is said as Reflective too that is. That Voodoo, and by the Blogger here, does too appear, to in all even speak and of, and of the said Partial in itself, and of the said too Impartial in itself that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what is said as merely, or said as simply, said as perceived, and as said as Natural too for instance. In talk though, and of the said Uraeus, and in said too regard now, and to what is said as Development in itself, we can too now speak, and of what a said Sweeping look, and in a said Arc too, and if not of the said even Sweeping View, are in all even said to be, and in too now throwing in, the very said even terms, and of Magnanimous, Magnification, and if not of the said Magnificent too that is. That in said regard and to what is said as Magnanimous, and of what is said as Development in itself too, and in said too regard, and to speak and of the said Uraeus that is, we can too now speak and of said even Pyramids, and in Egypt too, and of what is said to speak and of Scales, and of said Scalings too that is, and of said too Attainments, and if not of said too Heights reached that is, and if not of Egypt, and as said too perceived, and in said too regard, and to what is said as a Sweeping Look that is, and from said talk, and of the said even Histories of Libya, Chad and Nubia too, and if not of what is said too as a Sweeping View that is, and of Egypt, and as said too perceived, and from the said too Histories, and of Europe, Central Asia, and of the said Middle East too that is. In talk though, and of what is said as Magnification, and of what is said as Development in itself too, and in said too regard, and to what is said as the Uraeus that is, we can too talk, and of what is said as Egyptian, and if not of what is said as African too, and of what too now, can be said to speak, and of Things and as said Egyptian that is. In talk though, and of what is said as Magnificent, and in said regard to what is said as Development in itself, and in speak too, and of the said Uraeus that is, we can too now, be said, to in all even refer, and to it all, and in said Symbol too that is, and if not and of what is too said as Egyptian, Italian and of said Middle Eastern History too that is.

In talk though, and of what is said as Development in itself, and in said too regard, and to what is said as Time in itself too, we can too now talk, and of a said even Time Differential, or of what is said as a Time Differential in itself that is, and in said too regard now, and to what is too said as Are, and of what is said as Were, and if not of the said Were-Are that is, and of the said too Are-Were that is, and in said too regard now, and to talk and of the said 3 Pyramids, and in Giza, Egypt too that is, they too now and again, said as three, and if not in said too regard and to speak, and of what are said as Perceptions of Time in itself, of said African Time too that is, or of said African Time in itself too that is, and if not of said Time, and in Africa in itself too that is.

(Don't know much -Aaron Neville 
and Linda Rondstand)

In having one though, in all, very much realize, what Development is in all even said to be, or said to in all even Stand for that is, we can too now speak, and of what are said as Origins, Starts, Beginnings, Births, and of said Arisings too that is. That in talk and of what are said as Origins, talk too now, and of that said name of Egypt that is, in talk of Starts though, talk too now, and of the said even Sudan, of the said Middle East and as it is today, and if not of a said too Modern Kenya that is. In talk of Beginnings, talk too now, and of the said even name of Jesus Christ that is, but in talk of what are said as Births, talk too and of the said too name of Italy, and in too saying that, what are said as Arisings, and if not of said Risings too, are too best said believed, as said best explainable for that is, and for what is said as Development in itself, and in said too regard, and to speak, and of Kenya, and as it is said to be, and if not as it is said to be today that is. That in the said attempt here, and to in all even explain, what Arisings, and if not of said Risings too, are in all even said to be, or said even all about, we can to be said to in all even refer, and to what are said as Levels, and of said Heights too, and in the said even Rising, and to such said Levels, or Heights too, and if not in said too regard, and to what is said as the African Cross, or of a said African Crosses too, and in said too Meaning for instance, and if not of such said African Crosses, and as said too as in all differing, varying or as said too as changing that is, but all as said African that is, and if not in said too regard, and to Kenya, or East Africa, and as said too now, viewed, and from talk, and of Kenya, and of said East Africa, of the said too Swahili lands, and if not of the said Congo region and of Africa too that is, and in said too now Development that is, and as said too as Recent for instance.