Friday, September 15, 2017

on Wonder

of Wonder.

This entry, and as said too as aptly titled, and as said 'On Wonder', does too ponder the very said even question, and of what a Time Lapse in itself, is in all too said to be, and in said even regard now and to speak and of a World today, and as said too now perceived and from what is said as Conventionality that is, and of said too Conventional History that is, and if not in said regard, and to what is said as Nationality, and in said too Identity that is, and if not in said Recognizance too that is. That this entry, and on what too is said as of Wonder that is, does too attempt to in all even tackle, the very said even question, and of what is said as 'the self', and in too saying that, it is a question, and that does too and in all even ask, and of ones said too perceptions, and of what is said as Security in itself, and of the very said manner in all, what is said as 'the self', does too differ, and from talk, and from what is too said as of Nationality for instance.

That in talk, and of what is believed said as 'the self in itself', we can too be said to in all even ponder, and of what is said as Foundation, and if not of the said Foundational too, and in said too regard and to speak of 'the self', and as in all said as 'the Physical self' too that is, and in probably now associating speak and of 'the self', and with talk too and of Africa, and of its said peoples too, and in said too origins that is, and if not in said too regard, and to the said even Title that is, and of 'Oga', and in Nigeria too, and of those too said as Chief, and in Africa that is, and as said to in all even speak, and of Africa, and if not of Nigeria too, and in said origins too that is. In however, in reverting and to talk, and of what are said as Time Lapses, and in said comparison, and to what is said as Conventionality for instance, we shall too now attempt to in all even present, talk, and of 'the said self' that is, and as said to in all even now, speak and of the said Experiencing of life that is, and along the said too lines, and of what a Time Lapse, is in all even said to be, and in said comparison, and to what is said as Conventionality, and that does too and in all, equate life that is, and in Experience, and with talk too and of what is said as Identity, and if not of Time, and as said too perceived as such that is.

In probably claiming that, for those in Kenya, and if not East Africa too, what is said as 'the self', is too best said even understood, and from the said even histories, and of the said Countries and of Somalia, and if not of Rwanda too, now is to and in all even claim that, the said even understanding and of what is said as 'the self', is too said perceived, and outside Africa too, and from talk, and of what are said as Cultural Communications that is, and which too are now said believed, a said part, and of what is said as Kenyan History that is, and in said too regard, or in the said light, and of the said President Barack Obama Presidency that is. That Kenya, and as said Democratic, and if not as said Republic too, is now and in all even, called upon, or asked of, and by the said Government and of the said United States of America that is, it can be said, and to in all even show responsibility, and in said regard and to what is said as 'the self', and as said too now best equated, and to what are said as Cultural Communications that is.

In having said all this, and on what are said as Cultural Communications, and of Kenya today too, now is to and in all even attempt, to in all too present such said Cultural Communications, definitive and of Kenya today, and in a said too now, post - Barack Obama America that is, and that would and in all too probably, best associate talk of Kenya, and in said too Ideology, Political, and not with talk of what is said as Political Ideology in itself that is, but instead, with said talk now, and of what can best be said as of Political Philosophy that is. Of Political Philosophy, and that would too and in all even define Kenya, and from what too is said as Neighbouring that is, and of Kenya and as said Neighbouring Somalia too for instance, and if not of what they did too term as said Shifta, and in Kenya, and in the said 60's too that is, but that in all again, in too saying that, Kenya's said relationship, as said Political too, and with the said United States of America, does too now border and on talk, and of what is said as 'the self' that is, and not of Identity truly either, it all can too now be in all simply said associated, and with talk too, and of what is said as a Posting, and not of a said Notice truly either, and in now claiming that, what is said as Kenyan Identity, but as said Politicized too, and in talk too now, and of what is said as 'the self in itself' that is, does too now associate it all, it can be said, and to a said too post - Barack Obama Presidency that is, and with probable talk too now, and of the said even term of the League, and that does too now readily, or with a said immediacy to it all too that is, associate talk of Kenya, and with talk of South Africa, and as said too as RSA, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Political Mandate that is, American, and of the said too Political Subject for instance, and in said too regard, and to the said even unrecognized role, that the said United States of America, has in all even played and in the said Southern African region of Africa, and of the probable said too name of Ian Smith for instance, but that in all again, in talk too now, and of what is probably said as a Political Manifesto, American, now is to and in all even refer, and to speak and of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and in said too engagement, Political, and to both said Australia and New Zealand too that is.

All the above, and as said too now, and from the said even perspective, and of what does too pass for talk and of Corruption, or of said Graft, and in Kenya today, and as said to in all even pertain, and to speak and of 'the self' that is, and not of Identity truly either it can best be said, and in now too throwing in, what is believed said to speak, and of what is said as Wonder in itself that is, and in too saying that, what is said as 'the self', can too be said even differentiated that is, and from what is said as Intelligence, Intellectualism, Creativity etc., but if not in said regard, and to what is said as Genius, and as said to in all even now speak, and of 'the said self' that is, and in now approaching, the very said even question, and of what is believed said and to in all even now, ail, Kenya, or East Africa, and if not of said Africa in itself too, and in said Development that is, and that does too now refer, and to what can best be said as 'the self and in itself' too, and from said too now, Egyptian Dimensions that is, and if not of the said name of Egypt, and in said too History that is.

In having associated talk of 'the self', and in Kenya, or East Africa, and with talk of both Somalia, and Rwanda too that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of the said even history of the Central African Republic (C.A.R) that is, and if not of the said too now 'Mapping out', or 'Charting out' that is, and of the said even now region, and of East Africa, and if not of said Kenya too, and from talk too now, and of what is best said as Neighbouring that is, and as in all said, and to in all even pertain, and to talk, and of 'the said self', and not of what is said as Identity truly either that is.

In having and in all said, that what is said as 'the self', does too differ, and from what is said as Identity that is, now is to and in all even throw in, the said Dimension, and of what is said as Wonder in itself, and of 'the said self', and as said to in all even triumph, over talk, and of what is too said as Intelligence, Intellectualism, Creativity, Reason etc., and with it all said too now as perceived, and from the said even problematic stance, and of what is believed said to speak, and of said Egyptian History that is, and of said too Egyptian Civilization, and if not in regard, and to speak, and of said too Pyramids, and in Egypt today too that is. That it all does too speak, and of the said History of Egyptian Civilization, and in said Religion, Myth, Culture etc., and in too saying that, what is said as Intelligence, Intellectualism etc., does too now refer, and to what is said as Identity in itself, and if not of said Interests, as said Political, or African too, for it too can now be said that, the said even History and of 'the self', and of what can too best be said here as Wonder that is, and of the said too fundamental, and in the said Human Experience too that is, has in all even come to be perceived, and from the said even History and of Italy, and of 'the said self', and in said too Domination that is, for we can too now and again, associate talk, and of the very said problems and that Africa does in all face, and with talk too of 'the self', and of what they do too term as said Mind, Subconscious Mind, Programming that is, and in now referring, and to what can be said to speak, and of what is said as African Health in itself, and in said too regard, and to the said even difficulty, and of in all, defining that is, what is said as 'the self' in itself that is.

That in speak and of 'the self', and as said too now perceived, as said American that is, we can too now speak and of those who do and in all even imagine, the Human today, and in said talk, and of one and as said as a Knowledge-driven being that is, and of what is said too as Knowledge Intensive that is, and if not of Italy today, and if not and in all again, in said regard, and to what is said as Data Processing that is, and of the said too Research Intensive that is, and of the very said even manner in all, Americans, would too be said to in all even perceive Africa, or of those said as African that is, and in now correlating talk and of 'the self', and as said too perceived and from said even American Eyes that is, and with said probable talk too now, and of what they do term and as said as the Sudanid that is, and as said to in all even now speak, and of the said Sudan, and of what is said too as 'the self' that is, and as said too as African that is.

In saying that, Africa does too now have a said even complicated History to it all, and in said even regard, and to talk and of 'the self', and not of Identity truly either, now is to and in all even speak, and of said even Egyptian History that is, and as said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said as Chronology that is, and if not of said even Historical Dates too that is, and as said too as B.C. to A.D. that is, but that in all again, in speak and of what is said as the Church, and in History too, it all does too now tie it all,  and to said talk and of the said History and of Civilization and in North Africa too that is, and if not of 'the self', and as said too perceived  now and from talk, and of who is in all said as 'the Saint' that is, and with it all as said, and as said unknown to many that is, that those said as Saints and in History, are too believed said even, to be the first of said Scientists that is. In too claiming that, what they do term as said Northern Africa, can too be said tied down, and to speak too of the said even History of 'the self', and as said to in all even refer, and to talk of said the monumental work, and by St. Augustine of Hippo, and of 'City of God' that is, now is to and in all even claim that, there are those, and who do in all even posit that, the said even History of 'the self', and as said to in all too pertain, and to talk and of both said Ethiopia, and Abyssinia too that is, is in all too believed said tied down, and to talk and of what is said as Solomonic that is, and if not of what is believed said too as Templar that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, and of 'the self', and as said too now, as said inspiring Wonder, and in one too that is, we can too now speak and of what some have termed as said Continental Africa that is, and which can too be said to in all even refer, and to speak and of Spain and in said History that is, and of the said Pyrenees too, of said too Cuba probably, and if not of the said Swahili World too, and of what is said too as Cultural Identity that is, and which some do too and in all associate, and with talk too and of India in itself that is, we can too now though, associate talk and of 'the self', and with what is said as Diffusionism that is, and of the said even now differences, and between said groups of peoples, and as said too now perceived, and from what are said as ideas that is and in said too example, and that would too and in all even be said to in all connect, talk and of Africa, and with talk too now, and of both said 'the Middle East' that is, and of said too Brazil that is.

In concluding and on all this, now is to and in all even say that, we can to speak, and of Africa and as it is today, and from what is said as African Government that is, and if not of said too now African Diplomacy that is, and with the said former, of said African Government, said to in all even now speak, and of Africa, and if not of said Africans too, and in said Identity that is, and if not of the said Regulatory too, but in speak and of what is said as African Diplomacy, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as Ritualism in itself that is,, and as said to in all even speak of 'the self', and in said Identity too that is, or of 'the said self' that is, and in now attempting to in all even section off, speak and what is said as African Diplomacy, and in said too regard, and to talk too and of what is said as Culturalism for instance, and with said farther talk too now, and of said even affiliations, Diplomatic, and that would too and in all even probably refer, and to speak and of said Higher Institutions, American, and such as that of St. Johns University [Link] that is, or of the said Juilliard School [Link] too that is, and in said New York State too that is, and in the said too United States of America that is, and as said too as the United States that is, and with what is too said now as said as African Diplomacy in itself, best said too perceived and from talk and of the said region of West Africa that is, and in said Culture or Custom too, but with African Diplomacy, now said and in all even believed, said to in all even find a home that is, and in Kenya too, and if not as said East African that is, and if not of Kenya, and as said too now possessing, a said even strong Diplomatic Identity and to it all that is.
