Wednesday, March 21, 2018




This entry, and on said 'Mgeni' that is, a term, and that is said as differentiated, and in its said even now pronouncement that is, and in the said Kiswahili, and if not in the said Swahili too that is, does and in all even now refer to, or speak and of, and of those said as Visitors, and if not of the said Guest too that is. That it is in all, this said term of 'Mgeni' that is, that is in all believed said, and to in all even speak and of, or refer to, or very well be said, and to in all even cut down and to talk too and of that is, and of the said even now, Political Situation, and in both said now Kenya, and if not of said East Africa too that is.

That in speak and of the said Political Situation that is, now is to and in all even perceive it all, and from speak and of, and of the said even now Political Condition that is, and if not of the said Political State too that is. 

That in speak, and of the said Political Situation that is, and if not as in all said as perceived, and in speak and of the said even now Political Condition too that is, now is to and in all even refer to, and to speak and of, and of a said even now manner in all, and of viewing Kenya that is, and in talk too and of said East Africa that is, and that does and in all even now, refer to, and to what are in all said as disparities, deficits, and if not of said divisions too that is.

That in speak, and of the said Political Situation, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all, be said as the Political State that is, we can too now, refer to, and to a said even now, way that is, and of viewing Kenya that is, and in talk too and of said East Africa too that is, and that would too be said now, and to in all even speak and of, and of what can in all be said, and as said as on Par that is.

In all, all this and as said, and in talk too now of, and of the said even now term of Figurization that is, and as in all said now as applied, and to speak too of, and of said South Africa, and in said even now regard, and to just who in all, is said as 'Mgeni' that is, and if not of South Africa, and as in all said here, and as referred to that is, and as said as the Republic of South Africa that is, and if not as said as RSA too that is.