Sunday, October 8, 2017

the Human Codex

The Human Codex.

This said entry, and on what can be said as the Human Codex, will in all attempt, and to in all get and to the very said even Heart, and of what does too, or is too said, and to in all, ail or trouble Kenya that is, and if not of said East Africa too, and from the said even true understanding, and of the said too nature, and of its said too problems that is, and as said too as issues or matters that is. That it all does too speak, and of the said even reason, and of just why and in all, this said Blog, and on Nairobi, and as said too as Contra 'Nairo' that is, and of many another said Blog and on Nairobi and by the said too blogger here, and as said too as 'Nairo' [Link], Counter 'Nairo' [Link], Anti 'Nairo' [Link], Pro 'Nairo' [Link], and if not of the said African Anatolia Blog [Link] too that is, do and in all even approach, talk, and of what is in all said as Development that is, and from said even now, perspectives, and that would too speak, and of what is said as a Landing, or of said Ground too, of what is said as Space that is, of what is said as Place, of the said even Context, of the said too Locality or Spot that is, and if not of what is too said as Setting that is, and of all this said, and as in all said too as respectively that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Ear too that is, of Ears, African, Human, or if not of the said Complacent too, of Complacency, African, Human, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, of Motioning, of Media, be as said of, and of said Hearing too, of Hearings, of Audibility, or if not of said Listening too, of Interference, of Disturbance, of Interruptions, or if not in talk too of, of Ears, Pair, Both, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Ear in itself too that is, of Ears, of Ear Lobes, of Ear-holes, the Ear.

That in understanding the said even situation, and that Kenya does in all too find itself in, and as said too as a Political Situation that is, now is to in all speak, and of what is too said to in all be, and as said too as on par that is, for we can too speak, and of said even now perceptions, and of the World today, and if not in said History too, and as said too now perceived, and from the said even Theoretical, and that would too be said to in all even refer, and to what is in all said to speak, and of the said even Subjects, Fields, Bodies of Knowledge etc., and of said too now Physics, Chemistry, and if not of said Biology too that is.

That in saying that, History, and as said to in all even encompass, talk, and of said even Egyptian History that is, could too be said even, associated in all, and with talk, and of what is said as Chemistry, and if not of said Alchemy too, it all then would too be said, and to in all even speak and of what is said as Human Matter that is, and if not in said even regard, and to speak and of the said even existence, and of other said even Matter that is, and that would too speak, and of the said even Extra-Terrestrial for instance, and if not of said too Higher Matter that is, and of the said even Angel for instance, and that is in all believed said to in all even speak, and of the said even origins, and of life, and on this very said Earth too that is. In saying though, that the said World today, is too believed said even defined in all, and by talk, and of what is said as Physics that is, and of said too now Theoretical Physics that is, and if not of the said even study of Matter, and of it as said as Physical too that is, we can too say that, the said even problems, and that do and in all even, or can be said, and to in all even, plague Kenya that is, are best said now and in all, said even perceived, and from what is said as Biology that is. A said even now understanding, and of what is said as Biology, Human, and from speak, and of the said even now Genome for instance, of said too now Genetic Identity, of the said too Genetic Code that is, of said too Genetic Links that is, and if not as said to in all even lead, and to what can best be said here, and as said too as the Human Codex that is.

That in the said even understanding, and of what is said as the Human Codex that is, we can too now be said to speak, and of the said even nature and of what are said as 'Names' that is, and that does too speak for instance, and of Both said Eyes that is, Human, of a said even Pair and of Ears, and if not of what is said as the Face, and in said Look too that is, and in the said too now understanding, and of the said even now nature, and of the Human in 'himself' that is. That it all does too speak, and of the said even now nature and of Knowledge in itself that is, and that would too speak, and of what is said as a Tale for instance, and if not of what is too said as Music that is, and of the said even nature, and of Music in itself too that is. In however adding clarity, and to all this said, and on what can be said as the Human Codex that is, we can too be said, and to in all even ask of, and of the said even nature that is, and of what is said as a Particle that is, and of the said even nature and of the Particle in itself that is, and that can too be said, and to in all even speak, and of the said Human and in 'himself' that is, and in said too now Reference, and if not in said too regard, and to what is too said as Relative that is.

In having said all the above, and on what is said as the Human Codex that is, we can too be said, and to in all even now refer, and to speak and of the said even manner in all, those said as African, and if not as said as Kenyan, or East African too, do and in all even perceive, their said even Histories, and on Earth, and as said too as Evolutionary for instance, and if not in said too regard, or as said too as perceived, and from what is said as Documented, or as said too as Recorded that is, and that probably would and in all even tell one that, all there is to Human life, does too and in all even speak, and of the said even Psychology and of what is said as Breathe that is, and if not of what are too said as Human Limitations that is, and that would too and in all even tell one that, all there is to life, and on Earth, and as said too now perceived and from talk and of Africa in itself too, can too be said and to in all even speak, and of what is too said as Complacency and in itself too that is.