Monday, March 5, 2018

'Idylls of the King'

'Idylls of the King'.

In this said entry, and as in all said as titled, 'Idylls of the King', and as said as titled as such, and in said even regard now, or after a said even now that is, legendary Arthurian Character that is, now is to and in all even attempt, and to in all even introduce that is, and to many, the very said even World, and of said King Arthur too that is, and that would too have been said, and to in all even exist, and amidst talk, or in said regard, and to what can in all be said, and to in all even speak of, and of a said even now thorough that is, Investigation, and into what is believed said to pass for, or speak and of, and of said Death in itself, of said Dying too, of the said Kill, of the said Slaying etc. that is.

That it all too, can and in all be said, this said entry, and to in all even associate, talk and of what is in all said as Death in itself, and with talk, and of the said even now Retort in itself, and if not in said Entreaty too that is, and with all this and as said, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said, or is in all believed said as, and as said as the 'African' Experience that is, and of said even now African History too that is, and in said Experience, believed as said and to in all even refer, and not only and to speak of, and of what can in all be said as Bondage, Slavery, Inculturation etc., but that in all again, and in said even regard now, and to what can be said as a Retort that is, speak too now, and of the said even here, or said even now, belief that is, that it is in speak and of said Death in itself, and if not in said regard, and to what can be said as constricted, constrained, construed etc. that is, and as in all believed said as an Experience in itself too, and whereby it can in all be said that, that Death, is in all believed said as Experience, or of the said only Experience, and that can too be said, and to in all even Free one, and from what can in all too be said, and as in all said as perceived, and as said as constricted, construed, constrained etc.

In having said all this though, now is to and in all even claim that, or in all too say or state that, this entry, does and in all even ask of one, and of what and in all, a said even now Modal Expression, is in all even believed said to be, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all believed said as the Experience in itself, and if not in said regard, and to speak or not, and of what can in all be said as the Human Body in itself, but that in all again, in speak now it can be said, and of what is in all believed said, and to in all even belie that is, or as in all said as betwixt that is, talk, and of what can in all too be said as Cognisance in itself, and if not in said regard now that is, and to what can in all too be said as Cognition in itself that is.

All this and as said, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as a Modal Expression in itself, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk, and of the said even following that is:

  • Of what can in all, be said as an Explanation in itself, and if not in speak, and of what is in all too said and to in all even speak of, and of a said even now Explanation that is, and for the said everything that is.
  • Of the said Emphatic, and if not of said Emphasis in itself too, and if not in said regard now, and to what is in all believed said as In-line, and if not of the said In-step too that is.