Sunday, November 19, 2017

Voices Africa

Voices Africa.

In the said using, and of the said here expressionism that is, and of 'Voices Africa' too, and in the said even attempt, and to in all even explain, the said too now, African Reality in itself, we can too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as Impertinent that is. Of the said Impertinent, and if not in said even regard now, and to the said even Secular that is, and that has too and in all, come to associate, talk, and of what is in all said as African Identity, and with said even now talk that is, and of said Expression, and that would too refer, and to what is in all said as Rap Music for instance, and if not in said regard and to speak, and of said African Identity, and as said as Ethnicized that is, and if not as said as Secular too that is.

Of the said Impertinent, and if not of said 'Voices Africa', and not of said African Voices truly either, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as a Stand, or of one, and in said Stance too, and as said as Identity too, and of the said even now, Stand, and that would too and in all be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said even now Rotational, and if not of said too Revolution that is, and in said even regard to what is in all said as Identity that is, African, and if not of one, and as said too as possessing to them, a said even now complex Psychology that is, and if not as said as Identity too that is, and that does too have one and in all even now, perceiving themselves, and from what is in all said as, a/the Side that is, and of the said even now Human 'Body' in itself, and as said too as perceived as such, and if not of the said Whole, and as said too now as said perceived in all, and from what is in all said as a part, and if not of the said Part, or of the said too now, a-part that is.

In helping one though truly and in all even understand, what a said Stand, is in all too said as that is, and in said even regard now, and to what we could in all call and as said as 'Voices Africa' that is, we could too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as an Inversion that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said too Impertinent that is, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as an Awakening that is, or is in all too said as that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what, some have too termed and as said as, 'the Third Eye' that is.

In however referring, and to what 'Voices Africa', and as said as in itself, can too be said, and to in all even speak of, we can too now be said and to in all even refer to, or speak and of, and of a said too here, African Diction that is, and that would too and in all be said, and to in all even perceive, speak of, those said as African, and from what are in all too said as Genetic Codes that is. In many a said regard too, speak too here, and of whether or if and if not, what is in all said as African Diction that is, does too, or is to, said and to in all even differ that is, and from that which is in all said as Egyptian that is.

In now referring though, and to the said even manner that is, what is in all too said as 'Voices Africa' that is, is too said, and to in all even differ, and from what are in all too said as African Voices that is, we can too now allude, and to speak of, and of what are in all said as Greetings, Introductions, and if not of said too Salutations that is. That in said regard, and to what are in all said as Greetings that is, and as said as African too, we can too now speak of, and of what is in all said as Media, and as said as African too, and from what is too said as Content in itself that is. In speak of said Introductions, speak too now, and of the said even now, Accommodation that is, and by said Africans too, and of what, one could in all too term, and as in all said as new Ideas, Views, Thoughts etc. In referring though, and to what are in all said as Salutations that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as 'Voices Africa', and if not of said too now African Voices that is, now is to and in all even speak of, or refer to, and to the said even name of Nelson Mandela that is, and in said South Africa too, and of what are in all said as Salutations, and as said too as perceived, and from what is in all said as Integral, of the said Differential too, and if not of what is in all too said as Actualness that is.

In now referring though, and to what can in all be said, and to in all even separate, talk of said African Voices, and from what is in all said as 'Voices Africa' that is, now is to and in all even speak of, and of the said Pertinent, and from the said even perspective that is, and of said Kenya, Nigeria, and if not of said South Africa too that is.

That in speak though and of Kenya, and from speak too now, and of what is in all said as Impertinent that is, we can too speak, and of said even perceptions, and as said as Historical too, and of what is in all said as Light, and if not of said Sound too that is. That in speak and of what is in all said as Light, and in said even regard, and to speak of Kenya in itself, speak too and of said even now Egyptian History that is, and as said too as perceived in said Light that is, and that would too speak of, and of the said even Histories of Europe, Central Asia, and if not of the said Middle Eastern too, and as said too as perceived, and from such said Light that is. That in speak and of what is in all said as Sound, speak too and of Egypt, and as probably said as African that is, and if not of Kenya, and as said as East African too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said too History and of the said Middle East, and as said too as Swahili, and if not in said regard, and to speak of and in all, and of what is in all too said as Islam that is.

It is in speak though, and of Nigeria, and of what is in all said as Impertinent that is, and where by we can and in all, speak too of, and of that said even Nigerian tradition that is, and of said too African, or Nigerian. Cameroonian Rulers that is, and that does too speak, and of what are in all said as Sculpted African Heads, and as said as Sculptural works too, and of the said even now name or term of Mbara that is, and in said Cameroon too, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as Vulgar that is. That in speak and of the said Impertinent, and of said Nigeria too, speak too now, and of said even now Nigerian History that is, and as said as perceived, and from what is in all said as Vulgar that is, and of said Vulgarity too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what are in all said as Antecedents, or of said Precedents too, and that would too and in all even now be said, and to in all even lead, and to speak too of, and of what is in all said as an Afforded, or of the said Accorded, and in said Status too that is, and that would too and in all again be said, and to in all even speak of, and of a said even now World, Political Status that is. All this said though, and in said even regard now and to what was in all said as Mbara that is, and of said even now Sculpted African Heads that is, and of a said too African Authority, and that does too equate speak and of the Voice, Human, and with what is in all too said in the Dark, or as said as the Dark in itself that is, and if not in said regard and to speak of the said Human Voice, and in said too Judgment in itself that is. All this and as said, and in said even regard now, and to speak too and of, a said too here, 'Clean-up Nigeria' Campaign that is.

In referring though and to speak, and of South Africa, and of what is in all said as Impertinent that is, now is to best and foremost, and as herely said, refer, and to what is in all said as International Law that is. That it all does too speak, and of said even now perceptions, and of both said Nigeria, and if not of said East Africa too, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said African Voice, or of the said Voice, and as said as African, and if not in said regard now, and to speak too and of the said Voice of God that is. That in speak of Nigeria and as such, talk too now, and of the said even name and of Olodumare that is, and as in all said as Nigerian, Yoruba that is, and if not as said and as in all perceived, and from speak of said Dahomey that is, and of said Benin too, and if not of those said as in all perceived from talk of Olodumare, and as said too now, as in all perceived as said as Niger that is. In many a said too way, talk too now, and of the said even name and of Mungu, and of the said even name of God and as said as Kiswahili, and not as said as Swahili truly either, and in said even respect and to speak and of said Oman that is, Sultanate, and if not of Mungu and as said and to in all even speak of, and of what can too and in all best be said as East Africa, Kiswahili, Swahili that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said Bantu peoples of Africa, and as said too as perceived, and from speak and of the said East African Bantu that is. All this said, and in said even regard now, and to what can too be said, and to in all speak of, or refer to, and to what is in all said as an Ancestral past that is, and of the said even history and of Slavery and in Africa, and as said too as perceived and from speak, and of said Candomble and in Brazil, and if not of the said Zanj too, and in said East Africa too that is, and if not and of what are in all said as Ancestral Voices that is, and as said to speak of Africans and in Brazil, and of said too now African Voices that is, and in said even now comparison, and to speak of said Africans and in the said Caribbean, and whose said Voices in all, are best said too as perceived, and from what is in all said as Racialism that is, and of said Marcus Garvey too for instance, and if not of said even now African Voices, and of said too African Slaves and in the United States of America, and as best said as perceived, and from what is in all said as Constitutional that is, American, and of all this as said, as said and to in all even culminate, and in speak too of the said name and of South Africa, of said Apartheid too, and if not of what is in all too here believed said as, and as said as International Law that is.