Monday, November 13, 2017

Maji Maji

of Maji Maji.

When we do here and in all speak of, and of what was in all, or is in all, said as Maji Maji, we can too be said now, and to in all even refer, and to the said even now Maji Maji Rebellion, and that would too be said, and to in all too take place, and in said too here German East Africa that is, for we can too now be said, and to in all even allude, and at what is in all, is said that is, and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all too said as Threat, and in said even now societies, African, today, and if not in said regard, and to what some have too termed as said as a Man-eat-Man society that is, but that in all again, speak too now, and of the said even now believed, elemental forces that is, and that are too said believed, and to in all even now drive 'nature' in itself that is, and as it is, and if not as said and to in all too speak, and of the very said even now forces that is, and that do too and in all, drive societies in themselves that is.

That it too can be said that, the said even now elemental forces, and that do too and in all even now, it is believed, drive 'nature' in itself, and if not of said Human societies too that is, can too now be said as probably best said equated, and in said regard and to speak now and of said too East Africa , Kenya that is, and of the said even now name and of Allah for instance, of the said too Islamic faith, and if not of the said too Middle East, and in said too regard, and to what can too best be said termed as Islamicization for instance.

In helping one though, to in all understand, what the said Maji Maji Rebellion, and from a said even now Kenyan perspective, was in all said to be, or said even all about, now is to and in all even ask of, and of what is in all said as Legitimacy, Validation, and if not of said too now Verification that is, and all as said too as Consciousness that is, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what can too be said as, and in said too regard and to speak and of societies today, and if not in said history too, and of what is in all said as Gender, of said Heritage too, and if not of the said Gods, spirits etc., and that would too now be said and to in all even equate, and to speak too, and of the said even now term and of Historicity that is, and that would too be said and to in all even equate, and to the said even now History, and of said of India that is. In speak though, and of the Maji Maji Rebellion, and in said regard and to speak and of East Africa that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said too Human Condition, and as said too as African that is, and as probably best said perceived, and from the said even now Swahili term and of Maskini that is, and of it as said, Maskini that is, as simply said to speak, and of the said even now impoverished that is, and of any said too now, Health that is, that the said too now Physical Human Body, is in all said to have to it all, and as said too now as perceived, and from what are in all said as Possessed States [Link] that is.

In asking though, and of why and in all, the said Maji Maji Rebellion, is in all, or was in all, said and to in all even matter that is, and amidst talk, and of the said even now name and of Kinjikitile Ngwale [Link] that is, and if not of the said even now beliefs, and of the said ability, and to in all even turn German bullets, and into said Water that is, and via talk too, and of what is in all said as 'spirit possession' too that is, now is to and in all even, and again, speak, and of a said Africa, and as often said too as politicized, and alongside said speak, and of what some have too and in all even termed and as said as 'Black Power' for instance, and if not of many a said too African Liberation Movement that is, now is to and in all even though, speak of, and of an Africa, and from the said even now termed Maji Maji Rebellion in itself that is, and from what is in all too, or from what is in all too said and to in all even refer, and to the said too now term that is, and of the said Profane in itself that is.

In too saying that, in said regard to speak of Africa, or of those said as African, the only thing, and that is too said and to in all even exist, is too said to speak or refer to, and to what is in all said as the Profane in itself,  and if not as said now as said perceived, and from what can in all even here be said as, as said as the Egyptian Codex [Link] that is, and if not of what too is in all said as Equivalency, Similarity, Equates, Summation etc. that is. That in speak, and of the Profane, and of what too is in all said as Bantu that is, we can too now speak, and of the said even now term of Maji in itself, and of what is in all said too as Water that is, and if not of the said even now Mediumsitic that is, and not of said Mediums truly either, and if not of what too are in all said as Bantu Water spirits for instance, and in said too regard, and to what too is in all said as Expectation, and if not of said too Preference that is. In speak though, and of the said Profane, and from what is in all too said as a Time Orientation that is, now is to and in all even that is, speak of, and of Africa and as it is that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even probably refer and to speak too and of what is in all said as Time in itself, and if not as said perceived from speak, and of the said now Front, and of the said too Back, or of the said too Frontward, and if not of the said too Backward that is, but that in all again, talk truly now, and of what is in all said as Ahead, and if not of what is in all too said as Behind that is.

In speak though, and of what is in all said as the Profane, and in said regard to speak and of the said World, and of said Africa too, we can too now refer to or speak and of, and of what is in all said believed as Knowledge in itself, and of said too now African Knowledge Systems that is, and as said too as AKS, for we can too now speak and of, and of what is in all said as Elevation that is, and in said even regard, and to a said too now Elevation of Consciousness, but if not of Knowledge, and of the said too Profane, and as said too now as perceived, and from what too is in all said to speak, and of said too Mirrors, and if not of said too Shadows, and if not of what is in all said as Contact, and of what too is now said as Notice in itself that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, and on the said too Profane that is, now is to and in all even attempt, and to in all too give, a said even now picture, and of the said World, and in said History too, and from what is too believed said as the Profane that is, and that does too speak and of the said even now History and of the said World, and as said as perceived, and from what is too believed said as Historiography that is.

1. Of the Islamic, the Christian, and the Jewish, and in said comparison, and to what is in all said as Egyptian that is.

2. Of the said Fertile Crescent, of said too Egypt, of the said Mediterranean that is, and if not in said comparison, and to speak too and of said Europe that is.

3. Of Christianity, and of said Jerusalem too, and in said comparison and to speak, and of said even Religion, and in the said Americas, and if not of said Asia too that is.

4. Of the said History of the Church, and of said Africa too, and if not of Africans, and as said too now as perceived, and from what is in all said as 'Roman', and if not of what is in all too said as 'Western' that is.

5. Of Egypt, and of Central Asia, and if not of what is in all too said as Africanized that is.

6. Of the said African World, and if not of the said too White World that is, and of what is too now said as Americanized that is.

7. Of the said now, Arab, Arabian, Swahili, British, Indian Worlds that is, and if not of the said too now Victorian World, and if not in said regard and to speak, and of said too Colonial East Africa that is.

8. Of what is in all said as Yoruba, of the said too Bantu, of the said too Congolese, and if not of the said too Kiswahili that is, and in said too regard now, and to the said even now Persian Gulf region in itself that is, and in the said too Middle East that is.