Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Time Curves

African Time Curves.

When we do here and in all, refer, and to what Time Curves, are in all even said to be, we can too be said, to in all even speak of, and of what are said as Multiple Realities for instance, and if not in said too regard and to speak and of Time, and in the said World today, and as said too now perceived, and from what are said as Time Segments, and if not of said too Time Segmentation in itself that is. That this said entry, does too and in all even, or is in all said and to in all even, refer, and to talk too, and of said Ethiopia, and as said too now bordering, Kenya that is, and if not of Kenya, and as said too as East African that is.

Of Time, of Accounts.
Of Time, of Measures, of Margins.
Of Time, of Markings, of Matchings, the Identical.

Of Time: Of Time Curves, of Time Series, of Time Sequences, of Time Limits.

Of Time Series: Of Time Curves, of Time, of Time Segments, of Realities, Multiple.
Of Time Sequences: Of Time Curves, of Time Segments, of Realities, Multiple, of Time.
Of Time Limits: Of Time Curves, of Realities, Multiple, of Time, of Time Segments.

That this said entry, and on Time Curves, does too deal and with speak, and of what is too said as Cosmology that is, and as said to in all even differ, and from what is said as Astronomy that is, for while Astronomy, does too and in all even refer, and to what is simply or merely said as Observation that is, Cosmology, and on the other said hand, can too be said, and to in all even speak, and of what a said too Study, and on the said Extraterrestrial too that is, can too be said even all about, and if not in said too regard, and to what is believed said to speak, and of what is too said as Time in itself that is. 

That this said entry, and on Time Curves, does too and in all even refer, and to what is believed said as the African Worldview, and if not of that said African Worldview that is, and that does too and in all perceive everything, and in it, and from talk too, and of what is said too as Becoming, and if not of what is too said as Altering that is. That it is said a Worldview, as said African too, and that can too be said to in all even associate, talk of Astronomy, and with talk too and of the said Sun in itself, and if not of what is too said as the African Sun that is, and with what is too said now as Cosmology that is, now said to in all even speak, and of the very said even term and of the Light-Year [Link] that is, and as said to in all even now speak, and of what is too said and to in all even differentiate, speak, and of the said Earth, and from the said too now Solar System that is.

In having said all the above, the very said too here, attempt, and to in all even perceive, what is said as Reality, and from said speak, and of what are said as Time Curves that is, and in said comparison, and to what are said as Time Segments, or of said too Time Segmentation in itself that is, for we can too now be said to in all even approximate, or associate it all, and with talk too, and of what are said as Satellite Communications that is, or of what a Satellite, is in all even theoretically believed said to be, and in said even regard, and to what does too speak, and of said even Contemporary views that is, and of what is said as Reality, and that do too and in all even refer, and to what is said as Art, Science & Technology that is, of said Arts, Culture & Politics too, of said too Science, Technology & Medicine that is, and if not and of it all as said too now perceived, and from the said even Politics, and of what is too said as Activism that is.

That in all again, what can too be said and of such said Contemporary views is that, what is too said as a Satellite, can too be said now perceived, and from talk and of what are said as Media, Technology & Communications too that is, and if not in said regard, and to the said even Design and of societies, and from talk too and of what are said as Satellites that is, and as said too now perceived, and in said Communications, and from what is said as Media, Technology, and of said Communications too that is. That such said Design, and of societies too, and from what are too said as Satellites that is, can too be said now to speak, or does too now speak, and of such said Design, and as said too as Patented, Trademark, and if not as said as Copyright too that is.

That in too saying that, talk of a such said Theory, and on Satellites, does too speak of, or ask of, and of what are too said as Time Curves that is, and if not of what are too said as Multiple Realities that is, and that do too and in all even now lead and to speak, and of what can be said to in all even speak, or refer to, and to a said even now Theory of Existence that is, and that would too now associate talk and of the said African Worldview, and as said too now defined previously above, and as said too now perceived and from too and of what are said as Multiple Realities that is, and that can too now be said to in all even equate talk and of Reality in itself, and with talk too and of what is too said as Frequency, and as probably said too now perceived and from what are said as Radio Communications that is, and if not of what is too said to speak, and of said too Radio Astronomy that is, and of the said too Antenna in itself that is, and that do too now and in all even lead, or associate, talk, and of what is too said as Reality in itself, and with talk too and of what is said as Curvature, and not of Geometry truly either, and if not in said too regard now, and to speak and of what is said as Reality in itself, and of what is too said as the Mind in itself that is, and as said too now perceived, and from the said too now Holographic that is.