Monday, October 30, 2017

the Shared Experience

The Shared Experience.

This said entry, and on what is said as the Shared Experience, can too be said, and to in all even refer, or speak and of, and of what is in all believed said as the Supreme that is. Of the said Supreme, and if not and of what is believed said and to in all too speak, and of said Civilization, and as said too as Great, Grand, Higher, Super etc. That it all does too refer, and to that said Civilization as said as Greek, and in said History too, and of the said too Great that is, but in too saying that, and from said even African Dimensions, that Civilization, and in said too Europe, can too be said as perceived, and as said too as Super, it then would too speak, and of said Europe, and as said too now perceived, and from talk, and of both said the Netherlands, and of said France too that is. However, and in getting and to the said point, and in said too regard and to all this said, and of what is said as Supreme too, it can too be said that, Civilization, and as said too as American, can too be said as Grand, and in said too regard, and to what is said as the Larger Context that is, and that would too refer, and to speak and of said Africa, and in said too Direction, and if not in said too View that is. All this as said too now, and in said too reference, and to speak and of said even Egypt & the Middle East, and in said too Existence that is, and if not in said too Presence that is.

That in said too regard, and to what is said as the Supreme, and if not of the said Supreme too, and as said too now, and to in all too reign that is, it all then, can too be said and to in all even refer, and to speak and of the said Supreme that is, and of said too Africa, and in said too Connotation that is. Of said too Connotation, and that would too and in all even, speak and of, and of the said too Human Body and in itself, and as said to now, and to not in all actually exist that is, and in its said too Form that is, but is in all again, simply or merely said as perceived as such, and in said too Form that is, and in said too regard now, and to a said too now, endlessly, "Beating Heart" that is.

In having said all this, and of the said too now above, now is to and in all even speak and of, or in all too refer, and to speak and of the said even African, and as said at Heart too that is, and if not of the said too Heart, and as said too as Human that is, and in said too now Asizement that is, or of said too Assizement that is, and if not in said too Contrast, or in said too Comparison that is, and that would too and in all even now, speak and of the said even Human Heart in itself, and in said too regard now and to the said too Blank that is, and in said too Memory that is, and if not of the said too Space that is, and in said too Perception that is.

All this said, and in said too regard now, and to what too is said as the Shared Experience that is, and in a said too further regard now, and to what is in all said as of Perception too that is, and if not of said too Conception that is, and of the said too now Human Body and in itself too that is.

All this and in all again, said, and in said too regard, and to those too said as African that is, and of the said African, and in said too Experience that is, and of the said too Experience, and of the said too now Formational that is, and if not in said too regard, and to the said too Permissible, Accessible that is, and of the said too Image, Picture that is, and if not of the said too Human Body in itself, and of the said too now African Body and in itself, and of what is too said as Reality and in itself, and in said too regard now, and to what is in all believed said and to speak, and of what is in all said as of a Permeation and in itself too that is.

Modes of Communication

Modes of Communication.

This entry, and on what are said as Modes of Communication, is too said and to not only speak and of, and of what are said as Key-References that is, and of what is said as Interaction, and if not in said too regard, and to speak and of the said too Inward, and of the said too Outward that is. That in the said even understanding, and of what are said as Modes of Communication that is, and in said too regard, and to what is said as Modern that is, and if not of the said too Not Modern that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as life, and as said too now as perceived in all, and from the said too Within, and of the said too Without, of the said too Inside, and of the said too Outside, the said too Inner, and of the said too Outer, of the said too Internal, and of the said too External, but if not of the said too now Inward, and of the said too now Outward, and of this latterly said, of the said Inward, and of the said Outward, said too now best descriptive in all, and of what too Modes of Communication, are in all even said to be, and in said too regard, and to what are said as Modern Communications in themselves that is.

That in said too regard, and to what in all Modes of Communication, are in all even said all about, we can too now point at, and at what are believed said as Modern Communications that is, or of the said too Modern, and if not in said too regard and to the said too, Pre-Modern that is, and with what is said as Pre-Modern, and in said too Communications, said and to in all even refer to, and to what is said as Reference, and from speak too, and of the said too Major, and of the said too Minor, and in said too Reference that is. That it is in talk though, and of what are said as Modern Communications, and of the said too Modern, and whereby and in all again, we do and in all too, come across, what can in all even be said as the Key-Reference that is. That in all again, life and before the said even Modern Age, or of the said Pre-Modern too, is too believed said lived, and in said too regard, and to what are too said as Major, and of said Minor, References that is, but that in all again, life and in the said too Modern World, and in said to regard, and to what are said as Modern Communications that is, and as said too as Electronic, is too and in all even believed said, defined and in all, and by talk, and of what are in all said as Key-References that is.

That in said too regard, and to what is in all said as a Key-Reference that is, we can too now be said and to in all even ask and of, and of what is in all believed said, and to in all even truly or fully, divide, what is in all said as Day, and of what is in all too said as Night, and if not in said even regard, and to the said too Physics that is, and of what is in all said as Sound, and if not of said too now Waves that is, but in too saying that, what is too said and to in all even speak, and of said Major, and of said Minor, References, does too speak, and of what is in all said as a Bibliography that is, and in said too regard, and to the said even Referential that is, we can too now though, be and in all even said and to in all too ask of, and of what is in all said as Reference in itself, and if not as said to in all even speak and of, and of what is in all said as Familial that is, and if not of one, and as said too as perceived in all, and from what can too be said as the Political Condition, the said Political State, the said Political Situation etc., and in said too instance, and if not as said and to in all even meet, what is in all said as Spirituality, or of said too Religion in itself, and from talk, and of what is in all believed said as African Blood, and of said too Africa, and of said Genetic Links, and of said too Egypt, of the said Hereditary, and of said too Heredity, and of the said even Western World, and if not as said approximated, and to speak too and of said America that is, and that would too and in all even be said now, and to in all too lead, and to a said even African Spiritual Mode, and of said Spirituality and in East Africa, or Kenya too, and that would too speak, and of the said even Congo, of the said too Swahili lands, and if not in said too regard, and to speak and of both said Ethiopia, and Somalia too, and that does too now, or is too now said and to in all even speak of, and of what are too said as African Carvings that is.

In talk though, and of what is said as Interaction, and in said too regard, and to what are said as Modes of Communication that is, we can too be said and to in all even speak and of, and of said Pyramids, and in said Egypt too, and if not of said Gorillas, and in the said Congo too, and in said too regard now, and to speak, and of what is said as Aspect in itself, and if not of what is said as Facet in itself, and of all this said, and as said too now as said respectively that is. That in all and again, it all does too speak, and of what is in all said as Interaction, and as said too as perceived, and from the said too now, opening up and of the said Mind, and in said too regard, and to what is said as Aspect, and if not of said Facet, and if not in said too regard, and to what is said as Human Imagination in itself, and of the said too Human Body, and as said too now perceived and from what is in all said as Corporeal, and of the said too Non-Corporeal for instance, and if not in said too regard, and to the said too Human, and in said too Death in itself that is.

In having said all the said above, and on what is said as Interaction, and of said too now Modes of Communication that is, we can too be said now, and to in all even refer, and to what is said as Interactive Behaviour that is. Of said too Interactive Behaviour, and that would too and in all even be said and to speak, and of what is said as Tabia, a said too Swahili term that is, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is said as Behaviour, but as said too as Interactive that is, and in said even Kenya, East Africa, the said even Swahili lands, and if not into the said too Congo, and with most of the said even World, as said too now defined in all, and by what can best be said as termed as Behaviourism that is, but with talk, and of the said too Americas that is, as often perceived as said too as Latin, said and in all even defined that is, and by talk too, and of the said even Behavioural Sciences that is. All this said, and in said too regard, and to what can best be said and to in all even speak and of, and of a said Barack Obama Presidency that is, and that does too now speak, and of what is in all said as Appraisal that is, and of what is in all too said as Law that is. Of the said Appraisal, and of what is too said to speak, and of a said even 'Higher Law', and of the said Law, and of what is too now said as Common Law that is, and in too saying that, the said even now region that is, and of what is in all said to speak and of North America, and of the said even United States of America, and if not of said too Canada that is, and if not in said even regard, and to the said even region and of China, the Japans, and of the said Koreas too, and if not in said further regard, and to speak and of the said even region, and of the said British Isles that is, and as  said as the UK too that is, and if not in said even regard, and to speak too now, and of a said too Federal Mexico that is, are in all too that is, believed said as, defined in all, and by talk, and of a said similar culture that is, and that does too and in all even speak, and of what is in all said as Appraisal in itself that is, and if not in said too regard, and to a said too now Obama Presidency that is, and in too saying that, in the said even light of a such said Presidency, and of said too President Barack Obama that is, it all can too now be said and to in all even correlate in all, and to speak and of Kenya, or of said East Africa, and from what is said as Common Law that is, or of the said Law too, and in too saying that, and in said too Horror or Terror that is, or in said Preference too, such a said Common Law, and as said too as American, can too be said even definitive in all, and of the said too United States of America's said relations in all, and as said too as English, and with both said South Africa, and of said Australia & New Zealand too, and in too saying that, what is in all said as American Common Law, could too be said now and to in all even extend, and to speak and of said even Kenya, or of said too East Africa that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to what are too said as Bi-Lateral Ties for instance, and between talk of Kenya, and of the said United States of America too, and in the said even light, and of a said too now back-to-back, President Barack Obama Presidency that is. All this said, and in said too regard, and to speak and of what is said as Appraisal, and as said too as perceived, and from what is in all said as Peak, and if not in said too regard, and to the said even now History, and of said too Washington D.C., and in the said United States of America that is, and as said too now perceived, and from what is in all said as the Pinnacle that is.

(Yammousokru Cathedral, Cote d'Ivoire)

In having said all the above, and on what is said as Interaction, and in said too regard, and to what are said as Modes of Communication that is, and of the said too Inward, and if of the said too Outward, we can too now speak, and of the said even Activities, and of the said too Church, as best said as Kanisa that is, and in said too now Kenya, and of said East Africa too, and as said too as Activity, not as said in all best understood by many, and in Africa, but can too be said even, explained for, and in all, and by talk too, and of what is said as the Centre that is. Of the said Centre that is, and of that said too line and by the said Poet William B. Yeats, and that does too say,

Things fall apart; the Center cannot hold

and as probably best said too, the very said even, manner in all, the Church and in East Africa, or in said Kenya too, and as said too as Kanisa that is, does and in all even perceive, Africa today, and as said too in chaos that is, and if not of that said chaos, and as probably best said too as Chaordic that is, and in now helping one, very much understand the said even Activities of the Church, and of what is too said as the Centre that is, and from speak, and of ones said even definitions in all, and of what is in all said as Injury, of said Pain too, and if not of what is said as Recovery in itself too that is, and of the said Centre, and that would too be said even mow, descriptive in all, and of that Chaos, as said too as Chaordic that is, and that would too refer, and to a said even now 'Flurry of Activity' that is, as said too as American, and in said Expression, or as said as Expressionism too, and in said too now, comparison, and to that said Chaos, and that can too be said even, as said as Consequential that is. Of the said Chaordic now, and of said Chaos, and of the said Centre too and that can hold, and that would too now associate, talk, and of the said even Activities of the Church in East Africa, and as said too as Kanisa that is, and that do too speak and of is in all, or of what it does in all even mean, to be said as 'Filled' that is, and with the said 'spirit' that is, and of such said 'spirit', and as said to in all even now speak, and of said too 'Nyimbo za Dini' that is, and if not of the said too Chaordic, and as said too now perceived, and from what is in all said as Alternating that is, and of all this said, as said to in all even refer, and to what is said as Disease that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is said as Chaordic that is, and of one and as said too as 'Filled with the spirit', and of the said Centre too, and if not in said even regard, and to the very said manner in all, the said even Church, and in said too East Africa that is, and as said too as Kanisa, does too and in all even perceive, what is in all said as Activity that is.

In having though, said all the above, now is to and in all even speak and of, and of what are said as Modes of Communication that is, and of the said too Inward, and of the said too Outward that is, and as probably best said too definitive in all, and of what is said as the After-Memory that is, and in said too regard, and to what are said as Key-References that is, and that does to and in all even now ask of, and of the said even major Impact that is, that said too now Modern Communications and Technologies that is, have in all even had on any of us that is, and that can too be said and to in all even speak and of, and of the said too Cosmic that is, and of what is said as Impactful, and if not of ones said too perceptions that is, and of what is in all said as Length that is. In all, all this as said, and in said too regard, and to the very said even best of manners in all, and to in all too, Key-Reference that is, many a said too Modern Technology that is, and that could too be said, and to in all even now, lead one, and to speak, and of what is in all even said as the Cosmic that is.

1. Car - Passenger
2. Radio - Channel
3. Television - Station
4. Computer - Terminal
5. Aeroplane - Pilot
6. Train - Pedestrian
7. (Tele) Phone - Dial
8. Internet - Locale

Saturday, October 28, 2017


of Vitimbi.

the Aberdares

the Kenyan Aberdares.

This entry, and on what are said as the Aberdares, and in Kenya too, and as said too as Mountain, Hill or Range that is, will too attempt, and to in all even have a said say, and on what is said as Kenyan Media n itself, and in said even regard, and to that said too term, and of Prosperity that is, and of why and in all, Kenya is in all even believed, or does too and in all continue, and to in all even be said, to falter that is, and in its said even attempts, and to in all too fully or truly, be said to in all even define itself, and in said too regard, and to what is believed said as Development that is. That this said failure, and to in all even define itself, and in said Prosperity too, Kenya that is, cannot be said in all blamed, and in talk and of what is said as Government in Kenya that is, but could and in all too be, but that in all again, it all could be said and to speak, and of the said even term and of Theory that is, but if not as said as Theorized too that is, and in too saying that, it all does too probably speak, and of Media in Kenya, or of said Kenyan Media in itself too, and as probably said Theorized, and in talk, and of what is said to speak, and of the said too 'Sense of things' that is, and that would too be said to in all even speak, and of Kenya and of the said Aberdares for instance, or of Kenya and as said too as Communalized that is, and not as said as Country, Land, Nation or People either for instance, but of Kenya, that is and as said as Communalized, and that would too speak and of the said even now, Government of Kenya that is, and in said too comparison, and to what is said as the Kenyan Government for instance, and if not of the said National Government too, and as said too as the Kenyan National Government for instance, and if not of the said National Kenyan Government too, and of said too now East Africa, and in said too reference that is.

In helping one, very much understand all this said, and on Kenya and the Aberdares that is, now is to and in all even call upon, or into question, the said even problematic view, and that said Swahili identity too that is, does too bring into view, and in said even regard, and to what is said as the Kenyan Social Fabric that is, and in too saying that, both Kenyans, and the Swahili, and if not of said Tanzanians too, do and in all even define themselves, and as said socially too, and from said too Communist Ideals that is, and that would too be said to in all even equate, and to the said even term, Kiswahili, and of Kazi that is, but with what is said as Kazi, and in both said Kenya, and of the said too Swahili world that is, to in all even differ, for Kenyans in all, can too be said, or said even, equated, and to a said Health that is, and that would too speak, and of what is said as Robust that is.

In helping one though understand, the said even problems, and that Kenya is in all even believed said to face, and as probably best said as referred to, and as said as Woes that is, we too could be said, and to in all even speak, and of the said even role, and that the said Church, and in said Africa or East Africa too that is, and as probably said too as Kanisa [Link] that is, does too and in all even play, and in the said even lives, and of those said as Kenyan, or East African too, and that would too now be said and to in all even speak, and of what is believed said as Politicized that is, or of what is believed said to in all even matter or not that is, and with the said Church, in Kenya or East Africa, as said Kanisa too that is, asking and of any of you, to in all even acknowledge [Link] that is, many a said belief that is, but with those in said Kenya, or in said East Africa too, probably and in all even best said believed, to in all even adhere, and to what one could too be said, and to in all even term, and as said as Psykolojia that is, and with it too believed said even, a said too Kiswahili or Swahili term that is, and in many a said too regard that is. That in the said asking, and of what is said as Psykolojia, perhaps now, a said even simple and in all, reference that is, and to what is too said as Moderation that is, of what is too said as Control, and if not of what is too said now, and to in all even lie, as said between, or betwixt that is, it all, and that would too speak and in said example that is, and of what is said as Localized for instance, and if not of what can too be said, and to in all even speak, and of the said even 'Shape of things' too that is.

In having said all the above, now is to and in all even attempt, to have one be said, and to in all even view, or contemplate, talk, and of what is said as Kenyan Media that is, and if not of that said as East African too that is, and into the said future, and if not in said too regard, and to what can best be said as Continuity that is, and of Africa, and as said too as perceived as such that is: from what is said as Continuity that is. That in talk and of Africa and in Continuity, and in said History too, best probable reference now and to speak, and of both said West Africa, and of said Europe too that is, and as said two regions, and that are believed said even, impactful, and to Africa in itself, and in said too regard and to the very said manner in all, Africans, or those said as Kenyan or East African too, would and in all even perceive, what is in all said as Continuity, and in said too regard, and to what is said as History, and as best said too now as African that is. That in talk and of West Africa, and of what has in all been said above, and on Continuity that is, and in said History too, and as said too as African that is, we can too now best probably associate, that said even term, and of Gratuity that is, and as probably best said to speak, and of Africa and in Victory too for instance, and if not of West Africa, and in said History too, or of said Africa too, and as said too now perceived, and from the said even perspective or view, and of the said West African or Nigerian Scholar too that is, [Link], and if not in said too regard, and to that said even term, Yoruba or Ifa, and of Imoye that is [Link] -- [Link1, Link2, Link3]. In talk though, and of Europe, and in said Continuity, we can too speak, and of the said even belief, that would too associate or acquaint, talk, and of South Africa, and with what is in all said as Western that is, talk and of both said Australia and New Zealand, and with talk too, and of what is in all said as English that is, and if not in said too regard, and to talk and of the said even Persian Gulf, and of the said too UAE that is, and in said too regard, and to what is said as African, UnAfrican, or Non-African, and if not of the said too Not Africa that is. All this said, and as said too in regard, and to talk of Europe, and as said to in all even now speak, and of Europe today, and as in all even said as Modernistic that is, and if not of Europe, and in said too Law that is, Modern, and that does too and in all even now refer, and to what is too believed said as Modern Behavior that is, and with talk too now of Kenya, or of said East Africa too, and as now said and to in all even refer, and to their said even histories, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said to in all speak and of the said Settlement that is, or of the said even Land or Native Settlement too for instance, and in said too regard, and to what is said as the Law, and in Kenya, or in said East Africa too, of what is too said as Ancestral that is, and if not of it all as said too perceived, and from talk too, and of the said even histories that is, and of Ethiopia, Somalia, and of the said even Swahili lands that is, and if not in said too regard and to what is said as the Congo, and of both said Rwanda and Burundi too that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, on what is too said as Kenyan Media that is, and if not in said regard, and to what is too said as Continuity that is, we can too speak, and of Kenya, and if not of said East Africa too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Whole that is, what is said as One that is, and if not in said too regard now, and to what is in all said as Kenyan Media in itself that is. That in talk and of Kenya, or of said East Africa too, and as said too as a Whole, we can too be said and to in all even speak and of, Africa, and as said too now believed said as a Whole, and from the said even perspective, and of talk, and of both said Egypt that is, and of the said Congo too, and in said Image too that is. In said Image, and if not in said History too, and that does in all even associate talk and of that said Image, and that is too said as Egyptian that is, and with talk and of what is said as Luminance that is, but in talk and of the Congo, talk too now, and of what is in all said as the Image, and in said Illuminance too that is. In talk of Kenya, or of said East Africa too, and as said as One that is, we can too now be said, and to in all even refer, and to that said even History and of Africa, and that would too be said and to in all even refer, or speak and of that is, and of what are in all said as Fossils, as said as Human, Animal or Plant too, and if not of said Hominids too, and as said to in all even now correspond, and to talk, and of said Egypt, Kenya, and if not of said South Africa too that is. That it is in all a said History, and that does too speak, and of what is in all said as Relative, and of the said too now, Relative distance, and if not of the said Relative position too that is, and that does too and in all even speak, and of this said History and of Africa, and from what is said as Cultural Anthropology, and of Egypt too, and if not of the said Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal too, of said too now Palaeontology, and of said Kenya too, and if not of said even Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus, and of said Homo Habilis too, and if not of said even now Human or Social Anthropology that is, and of said too now Homo Naledi for instance, and in said regard, and to speak too, and of said even South Africa that is.

In having said all the above, and in said too regard, and to what is said as Relative, and of the said even Whole, and of the said too One, and of what can can be said and to in all even speak, and of what is said as Kenyan Media in itself, we can too now be said, and to in all even speak of, or refer to that is, and to what is said as the Passage that is, or of the said too Passage in itself, and if not as said, and to in all even speak and of what is said as Relative that is, and in said too further regard now, and to speak, and of what is said as Human History [Link] that is, and if not as said to in all even speak of, or refer to, and to what is in all said as the Bible in itself [Link] that is.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

the Kenyan Call

the Kenyan Call.

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called.

When we too do here refer, or speak and of, and of what is said as the Kenyan Call, and if not in said too regard, and to speak and of the said too hit song, and by said Stevie Wonder, and of 'I Just Called', we can too be said and to in all even speak and of Kenya, and from what is said as simply, or as said as merely, and in said comparison, and to what is said  as popularly that is, and in said even regard, and to what are said as Historical Timelines [Link] that is, and if not of Kenya, and as said too as said, as Up-to-Date [Link] that is.

That it too can be said and to in all even speak and of, of this said entry that is, and as said too as titled and as said as the Kenyan Call that is, and of what is said as Identity and in Kenya, and if not as said as into East Africa too, and in said too Crisis, Conflict or Catastrophe too that is, or of said Identity in Kenya, or as said too as Kenyan Identity that is, and as said into East Africa too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as the Call, and if not in said too regard, and to what is said as Feedback, and of what too, is too said, or does too and in all even differentiate, and between the said two that is, of what is said as the Call, and of what is said as Feedback that is, and that is too now said, definitive in all, and of life in Kenya, or of said Kenyan life too, and from what is in all even said to speak, and of the said too Political, and of the said too now Political Arena, Field, and if not of the said Political Domain too that is. In all, speak too and of life and in Kenya, and as said too as perceived, and from speak and of the said Political that is, <-- [Link1, Link2Link3], and as said too now as furtherly perceived, and from what is too said as truly, and if not of the said too fully that is.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Time Curves

African Time Curves.

When we do here and in all, refer, and to what Time Curves, are in all even said to be, we can too be said, to in all even speak of, and of what are said as Multiple Realities for instance, and if not in said too regard and to speak and of Time, and in the said World today, and as said too now perceived, and from what are said as Time Segments, and if not of said too Time Segmentation in itself that is. That this said entry, does too and in all even, or is in all said and to in all even, refer, and to talk too, and of said Ethiopia, and as said too now bordering, Kenya that is, and if not of Kenya, and as said too as East African that is.

Of Time, of Accounts.
Of Time, of Measures, of Margins.
Of Time, of Markings, of Matchings, the Identical.

Of Time: Of Time Curves, of Time Series, of Time Sequences, of Time Limits.

Of Time Series: Of Time Curves, of Time, of Time Segments, of Realities, Multiple.
Of Time Sequences: Of Time Curves, of Time Segments, of Realities, Multiple, of Time.
Of Time Limits: Of Time Curves, of Realities, Multiple, of Time, of Time Segments.

That this said entry, and on Time Curves, does too deal and with speak, and of what is too said as Cosmology that is, and as said to in all even differ, and from what is said as Astronomy that is, for while Astronomy, does too and in all even refer, and to what is simply or merely said as Observation that is, Cosmology, and on the other said hand, can too be said, and to in all even speak, and of what a said too Study, and on the said Extraterrestrial too that is, can too be said even all about, and if not in said too regard, and to what is believed said to speak, and of what is too said as Time in itself that is. 

That this said entry, and on Time Curves, does too and in all even refer, and to what is believed said as the African Worldview, and if not of that said African Worldview that is, and that does too and in all perceive everything, and in it, and from talk too, and of what is said too as Becoming, and if not of what is too said as Altering that is. That it is said a Worldview, as said African too, and that can too be said to in all even associate, talk of Astronomy, and with talk too and of the said Sun in itself, and if not of what is too said as the African Sun that is, and with what is too said now as Cosmology that is, now said to in all even speak, and of the very said even term and of the Light-Year [Link] that is, and as said to in all even now speak, and of what is too said and to in all even differentiate, speak, and of the said Earth, and from the said too now Solar System that is.

In having said all the above, the very said too here, attempt, and to in all even perceive, what is said as Reality, and from said speak, and of what are said as Time Curves that is, and in said comparison, and to what are said as Time Segments, or of said too Time Segmentation in itself that is, for we can too now be said to in all even approximate, or associate it all, and with talk too, and of what are said as Satellite Communications that is, or of what a Satellite, is in all even theoretically believed said to be, and in said even regard, and to what does too speak, and of said even Contemporary views that is, and of what is said as Reality, and that do too and in all even refer, and to what is said as Art, Science & Technology that is, of said Arts, Culture & Politics too, of said too Science, Technology & Medicine that is, and if not and of it all as said too now perceived, and from the said even Politics, and of what is too said as Activism that is.

That in all again, what can too be said and of such said Contemporary views is that, what is too said as a Satellite, can too be said now perceived, and from talk and of what are said as Media, Technology & Communications too that is, and if not in said regard, and to the said even Design and of societies, and from talk too and of what are said as Satellites that is, and as said too now perceived, and in said Communications, and from what is said as Media, Technology, and of said Communications too that is. That such said Design, and of societies too, and from what are too said as Satellites that is, can too be said now to speak, or does too now speak, and of such said Design, and as said too as Patented, Trademark, and if not as said as Copyright too that is.

That in too saying that, talk of a such said Theory, and on Satellites, does too speak of, or ask of, and of what are too said as Time Curves that is, and if not of what are too said as Multiple Realities that is, and that do too and in all even now lead and to speak, and of what can be said to in all even speak, or refer to, and to a said even now Theory of Existence that is, and that would too now associate talk and of the said African Worldview, and as said too now defined previously above, and as said too now perceived and from too and of what are said as Multiple Realities that is, and that can too now be said to in all even equate talk and of Reality in itself, and with talk too and of what is too said as Frequency, and as probably said too now perceived and from what are said as Radio Communications that is, and if not of what is too said to speak, and of said too Radio Astronomy that is, and of the said too Antenna in itself that is, and that do too now and in all even lead, or associate, talk, and of what is too said as Reality in itself, and with talk too and of what is said as Curvature, and not of Geometry truly either, and if not in said too regard now, and to speak and of what is said as Reality in itself, and of what is too said as the Mind in itself that is, and as said too now perceived, and from the said too now Holographic that is.

Friday, October 20, 2017

the Barrier

the Sound Barrier.

This said entry, and as said too as titled, the Sound Barrier, will too perceive talk, and of the said too Country of Somalia, and as said too now, adjacent, and to both said Kenya, and East Africa too that is, and from a said too now, Political, or of a said even now, Geo-Political, Context that is.

That it will in all, take to task, or ask too of, and of what is in all, said as Demonstration, and as probably said too a term, and as said even now deceiving, and in said too Context that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what is in all said as the World that is. That in all again, the very said too belief here that, the said even Idea and of what is said as the World, is too said believed, borne of that is, and of what is too said as Demonstration that is.

That in talk now, and of the said even best of said manners in all, and of perceiving, what can too be said as the Earth that is, we can too now be said, and to speak, and of what is said as the Bottom Line, and of the said Middle Line too, and if not of said too now Time Factors that is. That in speak, and of the said Bottom Line, talk too now, and of what is said as Cover, as said Political too, and if not of what is too said as Surface that is, and if not in said too regard now, and to what is said as the Middle Line that is, and of what is too said as Reach, and in said too comparison, and to what is too said as Attainment that is, and if not as in all too said, and to in all even now speak, and of what is said as Surfacial that is.

In too saying that, the above said, could too be said to in all even hint at, and at what is said as Superficial that is, then it too could be said to in all even speak, and of what is too said as Error and in itself that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what a Supercomputer, is in all too said even to be, and if not in said further regard and to what are said as Time Factors that is, and in said too regard now, and to what does too speak, and of the said even now, term, and of Surfacing that is.

In all, the above said, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what is too said as the Sound Barrier that is, and as said to in all even now, speak, and of the said too now, Great Pyramid, and in said Egypt too that is.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


of Egypt.

If it can be said that, the said even History and of Egypt, can too be said even perceived in all, and from what are said as of Faces, Bodies and if not of said Health/Relations too, [Link], and in the said too examples, and of what are said as of Figures, Bodies, and of said Character too, and if not of what is said as of Economy, Policy, and of the said too State that is, it can too now be said that, for those in Africa, or in said Kenya, and of said East Africa too, a said too here, picture, and of the said even History and of Egypt that is, would too and in all, even, be as said and to speak and of, and of said even Names too that is, of said too Structures that is, and if not of said too now "Africa in itself" too that is.



If one was to be said asked, and of the said even true, or full, meaning that is, and of the said too Swahili term and of Dhana that is, we could too now and in all even be said, and to in all too simply point at, or refer too, and to speak and of a said even East Africa, and as said too now perceived in all, and from talk and of what are said as Engineering Works, and of Kenya too, of said Public Works, and of said Tanzania too, and if not of said Developmental Works that is, and of said too Uganda that is.

the African City

the African City.