Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Transmission Theory

A Theory of Transmission.

This said entry, and if not as aptly said a paper too, will in all too attempt to present, a said Theory and on what is said as Transmission, or of a said Transmission Theory too, and if not as said perceived from talk, and of what is said as Identity, and as said too perceived from what is said as Contrast, or of said Comparison too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Information Processing in itself that is, and of the said too Information Processing Industries that is, and if not of the said Human and as said too perceived as such, and in said too Component, and as said too Human that is. That it will and in all too attempt, to present what is said as Transmission, and from speak and of what is said as Emphasis in itself, of said Assignment too, of said Interfaces, and if not of said Classifiers too that is. That it and in all again, will simply attempt to present what is said as Transmission, and from a said too basic Human Psychology that is, and that does too ask of, or speak of, and of what is said as a Nod, or of what is said too as a Nod in itself that is.

That in said regard to what is said as Emphasis, or of the said Emphatic, and if not of the said Emphatical too, it all can too now be said even perceived, and from what are said as Divination Systems, of said Analytics, of said Diagnostic Tools, and if not in said regard to speak and of their all been said perceived, and as said Mathematical Tools too that is. In too saying that, what are said as Divination Systems, do too speak and of what is said as Casting, and as said Technique too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Emphasis in itself that is, it is in speak of Analytics though, and whereby we do in all even come across talk and of what is said as Inference, and if not of the said too prime, unique, singular etc., but in speak and of what are said as Diagnostic Tools, now is to and in all even refer, and to what are said as Numbering Systems for instance, and of the said too Tag and Tagging that is, but if not in said too regard and to speak and of what is said as Value, Worth and if not of said Merit too that is. In saying that, what is said as Transmission, can too now be said even perceived from the above just said, and of what is said as Emphasis too, and of the said Emphatic, and of the Emphatical too, now is to and in all even equate it all, and to speak and of what are believed said too as Media Tools that is, and if not in said regard to what is said as Prognosis in itself that is.

That in said regard to speak, and of what is said as Assignment, and in said too respect, and to what is said as Transmission in itself that is, or of a said Transmission Theory too, we can too now, merely or simply point at, and at what is said as Measurable, and if not of the said Immeasurable too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Equivalency in itself, and if not in said regard, to what is said as aligned, and in said regard and to what is said too as Measure/Weight that is, and as probably best said too as perceived in all, and from what is said as a Frame that is. That what too can be said here is that, every said entry and on this very Blog, and if not of the other said Blogs and by the Blogger here too, can too now be said even perceived from talk, and of what is said as a Frame of Reference that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said as Consistency in itself that is. Of Consistency too, and as said too perceived now from what is said as Equivalency in itself, and if not of what is said as perceived, and as said Measure/Weight that is, and as probably said to in all even now lead, and to what is said as a Picture in itself, for it all too can now be said even perceived from what are said as Quantifiers/Qualifiers that is, and in said even regard now to what is said as Enlargement, and of the said here Bigger Picture too that is, and if not in said farther regard to what is said as Referential, and if not of what too is said in all and again that is, said as Transmission, and as now said merely or simply perceived, and from what is said too as Correspondence in itself that is.

In said regard though, and to what are said as Interfaces, and of what is said as Transmission, and of a said too Transmission Theory that is, we can too now simply or merely say it all perceived, from that said too American term and of Quotients that is, but in too saying that, it all can too be said perceived from what are said as Limits that is, and if not of what are said as Limitations too, it all said now to in all even encompass talk, and of what is said as Action in itself that is. That it all can too be said to in all even speak, and of the said even Welfare of African societies that is, and in said even regard to what is said as the Real-Time for instance, and in said even farther regard that is, and to the said too Structures, and that are too believed said to in all even Support life in itself that is. In all, in making simple sense and of all this said, now is to and in all simply place it all, and in a said Context that is, and that would too speak, or ask of, and of what is said as 'the nature of the Conversation' in itself that is.

In said regard to what are said as Classifiers, and of said too Language Classifiers that is, and if not of the said too Kiswahili term of Lugha for instance, and in said even regard to what is said as Transmission in itself, and of a said too Transmission Theory that is, we can too now simply ask of, and of what is said as Weight in itself that is. That in said regard to what is said as a Weight in itself, we can too now merely or simply point at, and at what is said to speak and of Light in itself that is, and if not as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said in good light, in bad light, and of the said dark too that is. That it all too would be said to speak, and of what is said Weighed, or as said Weighted too that is, and if not in said regard to speak and of what is said as Grade, or of the said Graded too that is, and in said respect, and to what is too said as Content, and of the said Message too that is. That it all too can be said to refer, and to what is said as Weighted, or of the said Weighed that is, and as said too perceived now from what is said as Adjudgment, Sizing, Rationing etc., for we can too now associate talk, and of what is said as Content, and from what too are said as Units that is, and if not of said too Bits and Pieces for instance, but in said regard to what is said as Message, talk too now, and of what is simply said to in all even Match that is. That it all does too speak, and in said regard to what are said as Classifiers, and if not of what is said as Transmission too, speak and of what is said too as a Mark that is, and in said too regard, and to what is said in the Light, or of what is said in the Dark that is, and of the Mark, and that would too perceive what is said as Content, and from the said too perspective, and of what is said too as Collection that is, or of what is said in the Light too that is, but of what is said in the Dark, talk too now, and of what is said as the Message that is, and if not as said perceived in all, from a said too Yes/No Dichotomy that is. In saying it all though perceived, all this said, and from what is too said as a Transmission System that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as Delivery, and as said to in all even now speak, and of what too is said too as Transmission in itself that is. That in speak and of what is said as Delivery, now is to and in all even, accord it all, a said New Weight that is, and that would too speak, and of the said Clear and Concise for instance, and of what is said as an Item too for instance, and in said Weight too that is, and if not in said regard to speak and of said too Language Classifiers that is, but in said regard to what are said as Name Classifiers that is, and of said Word-Items too, and of said too Classifiers in themselves that is, and of what are said as Key-Items too that is, now is to say it all, all this said that is, perceived and from what is said as Weighted or Weighed that is, and in said even regard to what is said as Clarity in itself too that is.

In saying that, all the above said, is too said perceived from what is said as Media, and not Science or Mathematics truly either, and of said Media Tools too that is, and of the said too African Obi Oracle too for instance, now is to and in all even refer, and to what was said to in all even speak, above, first paragraph, and of Human Psychology, and as said too perceived and from what is said as the Nod that is. That it all does too now speak, and of what is said as Transmission, or of said Transmission Theory too, and as said to in all even meet, talk, and of what is too said as Technology in itself that is. That it too can be said that, Technology, can too be said even perceived, and from what is said as Delivery in itself that is. That in many a said way, speak too now, and of the said too Human Voice in itself that is, and as said too perceived from what is said as Weight that is. Delivery, and of Technology too, and of what is said as Direct, and if not of what is said as Indirect too that is, and that would too now refer, and to what is said as Expense that is, and of the Direct, and if not of what is said as Cost, and of the said Indirect too that is. That in said regard though, and to what is said as Weight, and as said too now perceived in all, and from what is said as Sound in itself, we can too now speak, and of the said Human Voice in itself, and of what is said as Weight, and in said regard now, and to what is said as Drag, and if not of what is said as Lift too that is. That in too saying that, Technology, is in all said perceived from what is said as Delivery, and of the Direct and Indirect too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Weight, and of the Drag and Lift too, it all then can too be said to in all too speak, and of what is said as Sound, and in said Measurability too, and if not as said summarized in all, and in talk of said Parallels too that is, but if not as said as follows: Parallels = Parallel + Mistake (Obvious, Straight, Decisive). In many a said too way, what is said as Parallels, and in said regard to all this said, and if not of the said Human too, and of Human Psychology too, and of the said Nod too that is, now is to say it all, to in all even speak, and of what is said as Individual, Group, Role, Position etc., and if not as said to in all even now lead, and to what is said as Mandate for instance, and of what is said as Presence too, and if not of said Secure Systems too that is, and in said regard now, and to speak and of society, or of the said World too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Authoritarian, and if not of the said Authoritative too that is.

In all, and in summarizing on all this said, now is to in all even simply claim that, the said even understanding and in the said solving and of all of Africa's said problems, and as believed said to in all even plague Africa too that is, it all does too speak and of their said even perceived, and in a probable said too Light, and that does not and in all even actually refer, and to what is said as Clarity in itself that is, but in all again, speak now, and of what is said as Light in itself that is.