Sunday, July 30, 2017

Nameless :-----: Coming Home

Nameless :-----: Coming Home.

Skyscraper Technology

of Skyscraper Technology.

When we do and in all here, speak of, or ask of, and of what is in all said as Skyscraper Technology, we too could be said to in all even attempt, to in all too, define in all, Kenya, Nairobi, and if not of said East Africa too, and from what is too said as of a Base that is. That it too can be said that, Skyscraper Technology, does too and in all refer, and to the said even erecting, or 'putting up' too that is, and of what are said as Skyscrapers, or of the said Skyscraper in itself too, and which would too refer, and to the said even belief here that, the said even design of Skyscrapers, does too have to it all as said perceived, and from a said too here basic Unit that is, and that would too speak of, and of what is said as of a Section too that is, and not of the said Part truly either that is.

Of Skyscraper Technology.
Of Skyscraper Technology, of Skyscrapers.
Of Skyscraper Technology, of Skyscrapers, of Structures, of Models, of Aspects.
Of Skyscraper Technology, of Ideas, of Constituents, of Elements, the Elementary, the Elemental.
Of Skyscraper Technology, of Skyscrapers, of Designs, of Units, Basic, the Base, of Sections, of Parts, of Basics, the Basic, the Basis.

Of the said Section too that is, of Sectionings, of the said Skyscraper too that is, of Skyscrapers, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said View too that is, of Views, of Fractions, of said Beliefs too that is, of Belief, of Decimals, of said Imaginings too that is, of Imagination, of Parts, or if not of said Impressions too that is, of Impression(s), of Wholes, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Idea too that is, of Ideas, of Constituents, of Elements, the Elementary. 

In having said all the above, now is to and in all even claim that, the said even Design of Skyscrapers that is, [Link], and as said too perceived and from what is said as Urban Panning, or of said City Design too, and if not of said too Monuments, Engineering Works etc., is too believed said to in all even have a Basis to it all, and in speak, and of the said even Field of Acoustics that is, and that would too ask of one, and of what is said as Hearing, Listening, and if not of the said Audible that is, and of said Audibility too, and in the said even Design, and not only of said Skyscrapers in themselves, and in the said Sectioning too that is of Sections, or/and as said Basic too that is, of Basics, and in the said Unit too, but that in all again, in the said even now Design, and of just about any said Human living spaces too that is, and that do too encompass in all, talk too of, and of what is and in all said as of an Ecology in itself too that is.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

the National Survey

the National Survey.

(Kencom House - Nairobi, Kenya)

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Transmission Theory

A Theory of Transmission.

This said entry, and if not as aptly said a paper too, will in all too attempt to present, a said Theory and on what is said as Transmission, or of a said Transmission Theory too, and if not as said perceived from talk, and of what is said as Identity, and as said too perceived from what is said as Contrast, or of said Comparison too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Information Processing in itself that is, and of the said too Information Processing Industries that is, and if not of the said Human and as said too perceived as such, and in said too Component, and as said too Human that is. That it will and in all too attempt, to present what is said as Transmission, and from speak and of what is said as Emphasis in itself, of said Assignment too, of said Interfaces, and if not of said Classifiers too that is. That it and in all again, will simply attempt to present what is said as Transmission, and from a said too basic Human Psychology that is, and that does too ask of, or speak of, and of what is said as a Nod, or of what is said too as a Nod in itself that is.

That in said regard to what is said as Emphasis, or of the said Emphatic, and if not of the said Emphatical too, it all can too now be said even perceived, and from what are said as Divination Systems, of said Analytics, of said Diagnostic Tools, and if not in said regard to speak and of their all been said perceived, and as said Mathematical Tools too that is. In too saying that, what are said as Divination Systems, do too speak and of what is said as Casting, and as said Technique too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Emphasis in itself that is, it is in speak of Analytics though, and whereby we do in all even come across talk and of what is said as Inference, and if not of the said too prime, unique, singular etc., but in speak and of what are said as Diagnostic Tools, now is to and in all even refer, and to what are said as Numbering Systems for instance, and of the said too Tag and Tagging that is, but if not in said too regard and to speak and of what is said as Value, Worth and if not of said Merit too that is. In saying that, what is said as Transmission, can too now be said even perceived from the above just said, and of what is said as Emphasis too, and of the said Emphatic, and of the Emphatical too, now is to and in all even equate it all, and to speak and of what are believed said too as Media Tools that is, and if not in said regard to what is said as Prognosis in itself that is.

That in said regard to speak, and of what is said as Assignment, and in said too respect, and to what is said as Transmission in itself that is, or of a said Transmission Theory too, we can too now, merely or simply point at, and at what is said as Measurable, and if not of the said Immeasurable too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Equivalency in itself, and if not in said regard, to what is said as aligned, and in said regard and to what is said too as Measure/Weight that is, and as probably best said too as perceived in all, and from what is said as a Frame that is. That what too can be said here is that, every said entry and on this very Blog, and if not of the other said Blogs and by the Blogger here too, can too now be said even perceived from talk, and of what is said as a Frame of Reference that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said as Consistency in itself that is. Of Consistency too, and as said too perceived now from what is said as Equivalency in itself, and if not of what is said as perceived, and as said Measure/Weight that is, and as probably said to in all even now lead, and to what is said as a Picture in itself, for it all too can now be said even perceived from what are said as Quantifiers/Qualifiers that is, and in said even regard now to what is said as Enlargement, and of the said here Bigger Picture too that is, and if not in said farther regard to what is said as Referential, and if not of what too is said in all and again that is, said as Transmission, and as now said merely or simply perceived, and from what is said too as Correspondence in itself that is.

In said regard though, and to what are said as Interfaces, and of what is said as Transmission, and of a said too Transmission Theory that is, we can too now simply or merely say it all perceived, from that said too American term and of Quotients that is, but in too saying that, it all can too be said perceived from what are said as Limits that is, and if not of what are said as Limitations too, it all said now to in all even encompass talk, and of what is said as Action in itself that is. That it all can too be said to in all even speak, and of the said even Welfare of African societies that is, and in said even regard to what is said as the Real-Time for instance, and in said even farther regard that is, and to the said too Structures, and that are too believed said to in all even Support life in itself that is. In all, in making simple sense and of all this said, now is to and in all simply place it all, and in a said Context that is, and that would too speak, or ask of, and of what is said as 'the nature of the Conversation' in itself that is.

In said regard to what are said as Classifiers, and of said too Language Classifiers that is, and if not of the said too Kiswahili term of Lugha for instance, and in said even regard to what is said as Transmission in itself, and of a said too Transmission Theory that is, we can too now simply ask of, and of what is said as Weight in itself that is. That in said regard to what is said as a Weight in itself, we can too now merely or simply point at, and at what is said to speak and of Light in itself that is, and if not as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said in good light, in bad light, and of the said dark too that is. That it all too would be said to speak, and of what is said Weighed, or as said Weighted too that is, and if not in said regard to speak and of what is said as Grade, or of the said Graded too that is, and in said respect, and to what is too said as Content, and of the said Message too that is. That it all too can be said to refer, and to what is said as Weighted, or of the said Weighed that is, and as said too perceived now from what is said as Adjudgment, Sizing, Rationing etc., for we can too now associate talk, and of what is said as Content, and from what too are said as Units that is, and if not of said too Bits and Pieces for instance, but in said regard to what is said as Message, talk too now, and of what is simply said to in all even Match that is. That it all does too speak, and in said regard to what are said as Classifiers, and if not of what is said as Transmission too, speak and of what is said too as a Mark that is, and in said too regard, and to what is said in the Light, or of what is said in the Dark that is, and of the Mark, and that would too perceive what is said as Content, and from the said too perspective, and of what is said too as Collection that is, or of what is said in the Light too that is, but of what is said in the Dark, talk too now, and of what is said as the Message that is, and if not as said perceived in all, from a said too Yes/No Dichotomy that is. In saying it all though perceived, all this said, and from what is too said as a Transmission System that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as Delivery, and as said to in all even now speak, and of what too is said too as Transmission in itself that is. That in speak and of what is said as Delivery, now is to and in all even, accord it all, a said New Weight that is, and that would too speak, and of the said Clear and Concise for instance, and of what is said as an Item too for instance, and in said Weight too that is, and if not in said regard to speak and of said too Language Classifiers that is, but in said regard to what are said as Name Classifiers that is, and of said Word-Items too, and of said too Classifiers in themselves that is, and of what are said as Key-Items too that is, now is to say it all, all this said that is, perceived and from what is said as Weighted or Weighed that is, and in said even regard to what is said as Clarity in itself too that is.

In saying that, all the above said, is too said perceived from what is said as Media, and not Science or Mathematics truly either, and of said Media Tools too that is, and of the said too African Obi Oracle too for instance, now is to and in all even refer, and to what was said to in all even speak, above, first paragraph, and of Human Psychology, and as said too perceived and from what is said as the Nod that is. That it all does too now speak, and of what is said as Transmission, or of said Transmission Theory too, and as said to in all even meet, talk, and of what is too said as Technology in itself that is. That it too can be said that, Technology, can too be said even perceived, and from what is said as Delivery in itself that is. That in many a said way, speak too now, and of the said too Human Voice in itself that is, and as said too perceived from what is said as Weight that is. Delivery, and of Technology too, and of what is said as Direct, and if not of what is said as Indirect too that is, and that would too now refer, and to what is said as Expense that is, and of the Direct, and if not of what is said as Cost, and of the said Indirect too that is. That in said regard though, and to what is said as Weight, and as said too now perceived in all, and from what is said as Sound in itself, we can too now speak, and of the said Human Voice in itself, and of what is said as Weight, and in said regard now, and to what is said as Drag, and if not of what is said as Lift too that is. That in too saying that, Technology, is in all said perceived from what is said as Delivery, and of the Direct and Indirect too, and if not in said regard to what is said as Weight, and of the Drag and Lift too, it all then can too be said to in all too speak, and of what is said as Sound, and in said Measurability too, and if not as said summarized in all, and in talk of said Parallels too that is, but if not as said as follows: Parallels = Parallel + Mistake (Obvious, Straight, Decisive). In many a said too way, what is said as Parallels, and in said regard to all this said, and if not of the said Human too, and of Human Psychology too, and of the said Nod too that is, now is to say it all, to in all even speak, and of what is said as Individual, Group, Role, Position etc., and if not as said to in all even now lead, and to what is said as Mandate for instance, and of what is said as Presence too, and if not of said Secure Systems too that is, and in said regard now, and to speak and of society, or of the said World too, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said as Authoritarian, and if not of the said Authoritative too that is.

In all, and in summarizing on all this said, now is to in all even simply claim that, the said even understanding and in the said solving and of all of Africa's said problems, and as believed said to in all even plague Africa too that is, it all does too speak and of their said even perceived, and in a probable said too Light, and that does not and in all even actually refer, and to what is said as Clarity in itself that is, but in all again, speak now, and of what is said as Light in itself that is.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017



the Personal Computer

the Personal Computer.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, or as said too as His Excellency, H.E. Hon. President Uhuru Kenyatta, is said too the 4th President of the Democratic Republic of Kenya, Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Armed Forces, and under the said too steering that is, and of said too Vice-President William Ruto that is. President Uhuru Kenyatta, is too said even elected, or sworn in and as said President, and as best said too as Incumbent it can be said, and if it can be said or asked, and of what the President is in all said, to in all 'bring to the table' that is, and in probable said stature too, and as said President that is, then it and in all again, would probably speak, and of the said too American term, and of Vying too that is. To Vie, or of said Vying, and as said too a term, and as said to in all even now, and in said regard to what is said as the Political Arena that is, definitive in all, and of ones said too understanding that is, and of what is said as History, Politics, Religion, Law etc., and from a said too Political Context that is, and that would in all even now refer and to speak, and of what too would be said to in all even constitute, and for a said even now Uhuru Kenyatta Regime that is, it can too be in all, best probably said that is.

If it could be asked, and of the very best said of manners in all, and to in all too best perceive the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what are said as Practises, and if not as said Kenyan, or as said too East African that is. That it can be said, that in said regard to speak and of a said too Developing Kenya, and from a said even Competitive Stance, and if not as said Angle too that is, we can too say that, the said even Middle East, and in said regard to speak of the said Arabian Peninsula, and if not of what is said as Islam, said to in all even now, refer, and to speak of Kenya, or of East Africa, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said as dismal, and in said even even regard to Islam, and as said too perceived from what are said as Practises that is. That it can be said that, in a said even favourable light that is, that in said regard to what are said as Practises, Kenya, can too be said even minimally perceived, and in said regard to its said origins, and from speak and of said even practises, and that would too speak, and of what are said as Edibles that is, and if not of the said Edible in itself too that is. A said manner in all and of viewing Kenya, and if not East Africa too, and that does too base said even, basic Kenyan Existences, and in speak too and of the said even practising of Agriculture, and in Kenya, East Africa, and if not into said Ethiopia too, and that would too and in all associate talk and of what is said as Identity in Kenya, and as said Ethnicized too, and with talk too and of what is said as Family, of said Blood Relatives too, of said Workers, of said Local Authority, of the said Ministry etc. In many a said way, Africa and in History, and as said too perceived and in talk of 'Great Zimbabwe' for instance, is said too now perceived from what are said as Practises, of what is said as Media, if not of what is said as Custom too, and with talk of what is said as Media, said even perceived now, and in speak and of Africa, and if not of said too African Royalty that is, 'Zimbabwe', and in said too History that is.

If it can be said that, the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency, can too be said even now perceived, and from what is said as Serikali that is, a said too term that has often been used to in all even denote, Kenya, and as said too a stable Country that is, and in said Image too, now is to and in all even speak and of a Kenya today, 54 Years and after Independence is said too declared that is, and as said too perceived from what is said as Air, and in a said even Political stance that is, of the said Atmosphere too, and if not of the said too now Alkaline/Acid Test that is, and in said even regard now to speak of a Kenya, and as said too perceived from past said Regimes too that is, Presidential, and that did in all too measure themselves it can be said, and from what too is said as a Litmus Test that is. In many a way, it can too be said that, the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency, would too be said to in all even ask of one, and of their said too perceptions of life, and in a said too Modern-Day Kenya that is, and if not from a said too Historical Context, and that would too speak of what is said as Evolution for instance, and in all even now throwing in, the very said term of the Extension that is, and as said to in all even speak and of life, and in said perspective, biology, and if not in said evolution in itself too that is.

If one was to be asked, and of the very said too, best of manners in all, and of perceiving Kenya today, and if not of said East Africa too, and in said even regard to the said Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency that is, and from said too now perspectives of what are said as Models of the Human that is, then it can too be said that, it all can be said to in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said as 'Signature' in itself that is. In many a said way, it would too refer and to speak, and of what is believed said as best representative that is, and of the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency, and in too claiming that, it all would speak, and of what is said as Orientation in itself that is, and if not of what are said as Coordinates too that is, and of the said too best of manners in all, and of Centering Kenya in itself, and if not of said East Africa too, and in said even regard, and to what is said as Potential, Prospect or Promise too that is, and that would too and in all speak of the said even 'Donor Organization', or of the said 'Donor Institute' too that is, and if not of what is said as Orientation in itself too, and as said too and in all even perceived now, and from what is said as Contextual, and if not as said too perceived, and from what is said as Fix, Repair, and if not of the said Maintenance too that is.

In saying that, the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency, but as said Government too, could in all even, and in said too regard and to who is in all said the voter that is, engage in Development, and that would too speak and of a said even Media Development Center that is, now is to and in all even not only speak and of what is said as a 'Stamp' that is, but in many a way, talk too, and of one and as said perceived from what is said as Deference, of said Reference too, and if not of the said too term of Ference, and as said to in all even speak, and of who is said as Me that is, and in too saying it all, and as said Media in itself, and as said too Historic that is, and if said too perceived and as said 'Mapped out' that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of Egypt, South Africa, and if not of Kenya in itself too that is. That in said regard to speak, and of Media, and of what is said as Development, and in said regard to speak of South Africa, speak now and of it all as said perceived, and from what is said as a Vehicle that is, but in said regard and to speak, and of such said Media and as said best perceived from speak and of Kenya, probable talk too now, and of what is said as Bit, of what is said as Point, and if not of what is said as Aspect too, and in the said too Development and of Media in itself too that is. In talk of Egypt though, and in said even regard to what is said as Media, the very view that, it too could be said to in all even associate what is said as Egyptian Civilization, and with what is said as Hominid, of African Civilization, and of what is said as Primate too, and of what is said as Western, and if not as said Occidental too, and of the said even History of Italy that is, and as said now perceived in all, and in said regard to who are in all said as Ancestor that is.

In too saying that, the said even Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency, is too said to in all even tackle, the said even question, and of what is said as Development, and in said regard and to what is said as Communications Technology, of the said too Technical in itself that is, of the said too Digital Revolution, and if not of the said Communications Revolution in itself too that is, we can too now speak and of a said World, said too perceived and as said External that is, and as said to in all even now encompass talk, and of what is said as Electronic, Digital and of said Interactive Media too that is, and as said too a World, and in said even regard and to what is said as History, said too perceived from talk, and of the said even History, and of those said Christian, Jewish and Islamic too, and in the said too Middle East that is, but as said too as Middle Eastern that is, and in said even regard now to speak, and of what does too pass for speak and of said even World Affairs, and in said regard to speak, and of said too now Traditional and Religious Wordviews that is. In many a said too way, a said even question, and that does too ask of the very said even, best of manners in all, and of perceiving Kenya in itself, and if not as said East African too, and if not in said regard now and to what is said as Community or Communal Feedback in itself too, and if not of what to is said as Tribal, of said Kenyan Ethnicism too, and if not of the said even term of 'Ubaguzi' too that is, and that would too and in all even lead to speak, and of the said even term of the 'Platform' that is, and as said too definitive in all, and of Political, Religious or Economic life, and in Kenya or East Africa today too that is.

In having said all the above, and in said regard now and to a said even believed, faltering Kenya, and in said Development too, now is to speak, and of what is believed said to in all even refer, and to the said Internal, and of a said too Internal Worldview that is. The very belief here, that Kenya can in all even Develop and from such a said Worldview, said too as Internal, and if not as said Individual too, does too speak and of said even Business Ownership and in Kenya toady too for instance, and if not of what is said as Service too, of the said even Services Industry that is, and as said Local, Foreign, International etc., and in too saying that, it would in all speak, and of the World and as it is, said even now perceived from what are said as Physical Formations in themselves, but if not in said even regard now, and to speak, and of what is said as Individual, and if not of the said Group too, and of the said even Kenyan or East African Radio Networks too for instance, and if not of life as said too perceived, from the said even dwindling, diminishing, repulsive etc., and if not of the said too belief that, and as said to in all even refer, and to said too examples and from Nature in itself, that those said as a Group, can in all even be said to ascribe and to said Identity, and that would too speak, and of said even Wild Animals, and if not of said too Domesticated Animals that is, but what too can be said here is that, from speak of the Group, the Individual, can too be said now to in all even emerge, and in said even regard to speak, and of what is said termed as said the East African Cobra for instance, and not of the said Kenyan Cobra too, and in said even regard now to what is said as Diversity in itself that is. In many a said way too, the said even Internal Worldview, believed said to in all even speak and of the said history of Terrorism in Kenya, from that said Colonial, to that said to speak of the said even recent Times that is, or of the said recent and recently too, and if not of the said even introduction that is, and in said even regard to the Internal that is, and of the Computer in itself, and into Kenyan soil that is, and in too asking of one, and of if or if not, they do in all even know, what Name Classifiers, are in all even said to be, and in too saying that, in said regard to the Computer, the Internal, does too meet the said even Externalized that is, or of the said Physical World too that is, and in said regard to what is said as an Interrupt that is, and in too saying that, what is said as Interrupt, does too speak and of said even Environs, Environments, Surroundings, Midsts etc., and if not in said regard now and to speak of Kenya in itself, and as said too perceived now, and from the said even term of Nyoka that is, Kiswahii, and not that of Snake, or Serpent truly either that is.

In all, and in having said the above said, it all can too,a be said too perceived now, and from the said too Encoding that is, and of Kenya in itself, and in said too size for instance, and that does too ask of one, and in said even regard to the said 'Sizing of things' that is, and that does too ask of one, and of what is said as end-to-end, and of what too is said as point-to-point, and in said too abstraction that is, and if not of it all as said perceived as said curvature too, and of said even Time curves too that is, and that would too and in all even lead to what is said as adjudgement in itself that is, and in said even regard now to what is said as Situation, and if not of the said Political Situation too, and of the said even now understanding and of life, and from what is said as Elimination in itself too, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what is said as Measure in itself too that is.

of Physical Formations:

Sunday, July 9, 2017

the Notepad

the Notepad.

It must be said, and on a said too personal note, that the Blogger here, was not in the Country, and when President Mwai Kibaki, would in all be said sworn in, and as said President of Kenya, for at that time, I was actually a student and in Canada too, and was said studying for a said Engineering Degree, and before I would in all too, proceed, to the Country of Sweden, and where I did in all even pursue, a said farther degree and in the said Computer Science Field that is. President Emilio Mwai Kibaki, is said too, sworn in, and as said the 3rd President of Kenya, and in a said inauguration ceremony, and as said held on 30th December 2002, and in Nairobi's said Uhuru Park too that is. If it can be said that, this entry is in many a way, said too as noted, and as said minimally too, we can then and in all reduce it all, and to talk and of the said Mwai Kibaki Regime, and in regard to what is in all said to speak, and of said Policy, and of said Economy too, and in a said Kenya, and that has and in all even, been said traditionally ruled over, and by talk, and of what one could too term as said Governing Systems that is. That the Mwai Kibiaki Regime, is in many a way said too, to in all even ascribe that is, and to rule, and that is in all even simply said as Institutional that is.

If it can be asked, and of the very best of said manners in all, one would too be said to in all even perceive the said Kibaki Presidency, now is to in all say that, one could very we be said to steer away and from what is said as Traditional, and onwards now, and to what can too be said to speak, and of said Modern Lifestyles that is, and if not of a said Modern Psychology too that is. That the said Kibaki Presidency, does too now attempt, to in all too modernize Kenya truly, but alongside speak and of a said even Modern Psychology, and that one would too and in all even best associate, and with talk too of what some have termed as said a National Malaise for instance, and if not of the said even Psychology and of what is said as Disassociation, and if not of said Disassociativity in itself that is. That in many a way, it all is said too, Psychology, Dissasociation that is, and that does tell one that, if one does too now probably have in mind, the very said belief that, they could very well reside, and in Nairobi, Kampala and Dar-es-salaam too, then one is too said now defined in all, and by talk too and of what is said as Haki in itself, a said too Kenyan Swahili term that is, and if not of the said even other belief that is, that in order for one to make any said decision, one must too be said, to in all have a prop[er said idea, and of what is said right or wrong, or of what is said as fact in itself, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Kura that is, and as said too a Kenyan Swahili term that is.

If there can be said to be a blemish, and on what too did pass for Ideology, and in the said too Kibaki Regime that is, it then can be said that, as said compared to the said Jomo Kenyatta and Moi Regimes, and which did too Stand on that is, and in said Stability, and on what too did speak, and of the said even names of Mama Ngina Kenyatta, and if not of the said too 'Maendeleo ya Wanawake' movement that is, it then can be said that, the said Kibaki Regime, does too and in all even attempt to tackle, the said even topics, and of the said Kikuyu Mau Mau Revot that is, of the said Indian 'Coolie' too, and if not of the said even Swahili term, and of 'Memsahib' that is, and in said even meaning or connotations too, and all as said too perceived in all, and from talk, and of what is said as Reservation, and in said even regard now to speak, and of life in itself that is.

In giving the said Mwai Kibaki Regime, said credence to it all, now is to and in all even base the said name of President Mwai Kibaki, and onto said talk, and of the said 'African Institute' that is, and in said even regard, and to what it does too mean to take the Floor, or take the Stage, and if not in said regard to what is said as a Formal Address, and if not of said even Formalized Speech too that is. That in many a said way, the said too Kibaki Regime, can too be said to in all even perceive, speak and of the said Human that is, and in said even regard to speak of said Models of the Human that is, and from what too is said as Robust, or of said even Hybridity too that is, and all this as said to speak, and of said even Images, and as said put out and into the Kenyan Media, and that do too depict or portray Kenyans, and under said Colonial Rule too, and as said too 'suffering' that is, and if not in said regard now, and to said perceptions made of all this, and that do too speak of the World in itself, but if not as said in regard, to speak and of what is said as Example, and if not of the said even belief, and in 'Leading by Example' that is, and that does too now speak of the very name of President Mwai Kibiki in himself, but if not of this all as said perceived or adjudged, and from what is too said as Error in itself that is.

In saying that, the said even Policies of the said Mwai Kibaki Regime, could too be said to in all even speak, and of the said manner in all, one would too perceive the World in itself, now is to and in all even ask, and of what is said as Congruent, or as said Legitimate too, and in said even regard to what is said as African Spirituality, of said African Ideology too, of said too African 'Symbols' that is, and if not in said regard now, and to the said too term that is, and of the Apex that is. That in said regard to what is said as the Apex, now is to and in all even ask, and of what is said as Image, and if not of what is said as Picture too that is. That if it can be said that, that the said Mwai Kibaki Regime, is too said faulted that is, and in its said even Policies too, now is to and in all even claim that, it can too be said to speak, and of the said Perceptions of the World, and in said Image too, and if not of the said even Perceptions of the Individual, and in said regard and to speak of the Picture that is. That the said Mwai Kibaki Regime, does not and in all, give to one, a said even Image and of the World that is, and from which it does too and in all operate from that is, and in said even regard now to what are said as National Security Issues that is, and if not of the said even average Kenyan too, and as said too now perceived as said One that is. In helping give one though, a general idea, and of what does go on and in said too Kibaki styled Development that is, now is to attempt to in all even give one, a said even Image of the World, and that would in all even cater, and to speak and of what are said as Kenyan, African or East African Interests too that is, and that does too speak and of the said even 'Mapping out' of Kenya, and in said even regard to speak, and of Kenya, East Africa, the said Swahili World, and if not of said Rwanda, Burundi and of what is said as Congolese too, and as said now to pertain, and to talk, and of what is said as African Communality in itself too that is.

That such a said Image of the World, and as in all too stated above, would too be said to speak of the said following: of what is said as Regional, Region and of Regionalism too, and of the said too Arabian Peninsula that is. Of Kenya, and of Germany, and in said Diplomacy too. Of Germany and as said too Individual, and in said regard to speak of Europe, and if not in said respect, and to speak of the said even DeutscheWelle Television News Network that is. Of Egypt, and as said too Arab, and as said too perceived in all, and from a said too arc, and that would too speak and of Russia, Central Asia, and if not of the said Near East too, and as often said too termed as the Middle Eastern that is. Of said North America, the said Japans, the said Koreas, and if not of China too, and of the said too British Isles that is, and in said too acknowledgement that is. of Italy, and of Christianity, or of the said Church in Africa too, and in History too that is, as said too Missionary and into Africa, said too Roman in North Africa, said as Western in South Africa, and if not of the said rest of the World and in said Religion too, and as said to in all even speak, and of a said too Muslim Egypt that is. Of Nigeria, and as said too perceived as said Singular that is, and in Africa too, and in the said even African, Kenyan, East African etc. Context that is.

In said regard though, and to what is said as the Notepad, now is in all and firstly say that, the above said Image of the World, now is too said in all, complemented for, and by talk of said even Representations of one, and as said Individual too, and in said regard to speak and of what is said as the Picture too that is, and in too saying that, the said even Kibaki Regime, does in all even attempt to in all too, present itself that is, and from said too Economic, Law and Political Bills and Acts that is, and in said too Picture that is, and that would too speak and of Kenya, and if not East Africa too, as said too in Existence, and in said even regard now to what is said as Literate society that is, and if not of it all as said to refer, and to one and as simply said in all as said truly Informed that is.

In too saying that, the said Kibaki Government, does too and in all even, operate, and as said Serikali too, and from the said even Stance, and of what is said as an African Intelligentsia that is, and if not in said speak, and of the said Kibaki Government Team for instance, now is to and in all even refer to it all, and in said Image, and that does too speak of the said even Nation-State that is, and if not in said too regard, and to speak of the said even term of Capitalization that is, and that would too speak and of a said even Kenyan Economic Revival Plan that is. In many a way, in truly understanding the said even complexities and of the said Kibaki Era, now is to and in all even throw in, the said even question of what is said as Media, and of what is said as Presentation, and as said too perceived in all and from what is said as National, Broadcast, and if not of the said Individual, Personal, Institutional , Group etc. that is.

of African Communality:

Friday, July 7, 2017

AM Epic

AM Epic.

This entry, and on the said too Nigerian Television Channel, but as said too perceived Cameroonian, and of Africa Magic Epic, or AM Epic, will in all even be used here, and in the said attempt to in all too explain, the said even now Experience, and of what is in all said as Possession in itself that is. That in all, when I did too, begin, blogging, and on this very said Blog, one of the said goals I did in all have in mind, was the said even attempt, to in all even realize, and if or if not, I could very well help and in all explain, what Possession in itself, is too said to in all even signify or mean for, and to the said even African psyche or conscience too that is. Speak, and of if or if not, Possession in itself is actually said perceived as said real, and of what it all does too imply, and to 'go' into Possession in itself, and in said even regard now, and to the said too functionings, or of the said even evolving, and of what is said too as African society in itself that is.

That in many a said way, the very said question asked here, and if not or if, what are said as African societies, can and in all even, be said to in all evolve and on their very said own, and such that, what is said as Possession, does too now not speak, and of said even Functionings for instance, but in all again, speak here and of a said too Dynamism that is, and that would too and in all even lead, and not to what is said as the News for instance, but in all again, in speak too of the said News Item in itself for instance.

In asking though, and of the very said even best of manners in all, and in perceiving Africans, and in said regard to speak, and of what is said as Possession in itself, and if not from talk, and of the said even Politics of Television Media too that is, now is to and in all claim that, the said even attempt to in all even explain and for what, is said to speak and of Possession in itself, would too and in all even be said and to lead one, and to talk, and of what is said as race in itself that is. Of race, and of said too Genetic Identities that is, and if not of what is said as race, as said now to speak, and of Egypt and in name too for instance, of what is said as Race and in Blood, and of Greece too, of the said even Racial Make-up that is, and of Italy too, and in now too claiming that, Africa, or of said Africans too, can too now be said even perceived, and from what is said as Virus in itself that is. That in the said understanding and of what is said as Virus, and in said even regard now, and to speak too of Africans, probable talk now, and of what is said as Actual, and of the said too here Actual Form that is, and in said action too for instance, but if not in said regard now and to speak, and of the said African Mask in itself, and as in all even now said to refer, and to the said even search and for ones very own said Face too that is.

In speaking though, and of the said even Content and of the said AM Epic Television station that is, is in all even said all about, now is to in all say that, it all does too attempt to present, what are said too as Gender relations that is, and between Africans, Traditional too, and from speak too now, and of what is in all said, and to speak and of the said too Equitable that is. In having said that, now is to and in all even claim that, the said even African Magic Epic Television Channel, can too be said to in all even have one, perceive what is said as Possession in itself that is, or of said Possession too, and from one said term only that is: what is in all said as Recognisance. That Recognisance, is too said even a powerful term on its own right, probably as said believed American too, but that in all again, a term or word, and that does too speak of one, and in said too capacity, and as said too a Child that is, but with it all said even now to speak, and of what is said as Possession in itself that is, and from the said even perspective that is, and of those said too as Ancestors that is, and if not of what is said to speak of said Ancestors that is, and from said even now, said perspectives too, and of what is believed said to speak, and of what is said as 'Sense and in itself' too that is.

In claiming that, the said even approach, and of perceiving Possession and in itself, and from what is said too as Political, does too speak and of what is said as Kingship for instance, and away from the said too Ethnographic that is, and of said even Spiritual Healing practises too that is, it all does too now it can be said, speak, and as simply said, and of what the said even phrasing of 'Letting go', is too said even all about that is. That it does in all too refer, and to Africa, and as it is said to be, and of the said even now 'Existence of Nothing' that is, and that does too speak, and of the said even Politics and of said too Television Technology that is, and in said even regard now, to what is said as Possession in itself, and if not of it all as said to speak, and of the very said term of Continuum that is, and of Continuum and in itself too that is. That Television, can too be said even, to in all even define one that is, and in said regard and to what is said as Continuum, and in itself that is, and that does too and in all awaken one, and to what is in all said to speak, and of what are said as spirit mediums for instance. A said manner in all, and of perceiving the Human and as said spirit mediums that is, and in said even regard now and to what is said as Television Technology too that is, but in said regard and to what is said as Nothing, or of the said even 'Existence of Nothing' too that is, and of said African life, and as said too perceived as such, does too now associate talk of Television, and of the said even Continuum too that is, and with talk too and of 'all there is', or of 'all there is said to be' that is, and in too claiming that, it all does too now bring into play, said even difficult perceptions and of History in itself that is, and that does too speak and of the said Alchemy tradition and in Egypt too, of what too is said as Crystallization [Link] for instance, and if not in said regard to speak of the Human, but if not in said regard now, and to what are said too as spirit mediums, and of the Human as said too perceived as such, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is said as Mythologization that is, of said Materiaization too, and if not of the said even Monetization too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said too Politics of what is said as spirit mediums that is, and in said even regard now and again, and to perceptions made, African too, and of what is said as Contamination in itself for instance, and if not of said even African ideas, and of what is too said as Purification in itself that is.

In having said the above, now is to and in all even attempt, to in all too introduce here, the said even term of Purview that is, and as probably best said to speak, and of just who in all, one is said to be, and upon viewing the said even Africa Magic Epic Television Channel that is, and away from speak, and of who is in all said as the Viewer, or of the said Watcher too that is. That it all too, does too speak, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Possession in itself, to Purview that is, of the very said manner in all, one would too define what is said as Recognisance in itself that is, and in now associating talk and of what is said as Knowledge in itself too, and with talk too of what is said as Script, and of Egypt too, of what are said as Codes, and of Italy too, and if not of the said even Mark, and of the said even Russian Academia too that is. That in saying that Knowledge and as said perceived as such, is too said even Institutionalized as such, and away from talk too of Africa in itself that is, we can too now associate talk of Africa, and in said Knowledge too, and with African Language in itself, and as said perceived as Syntactic, and if not in said regard, to what is said as Syntax in itself that is.

[Sound Sultan - Hello Baale]

In now presenting, the said even Debate, Discussion, and if not as said Religion, or Polemic too, and of what Possession in itself, is believed said too all about, now is to and in all even speak, and of said even perceptions of the World, and as said too as Civilization in itself that is, and in said regard to speak, and of Africa, and as said too best perceived in all, and from talk and of Egypt & the Middle East that is, and if not of the said World, and in said History too, and as said too now perceived, and from talk too and of what is said as Arab, and in said too Presentation that is, and that would too now speak, and of the said even Al-Jazeera Television station too that is. In having said all this, the said even belief here, what is said as Possession in itself, does too speak and of perceptions made, and of the said Word and as it is, now is to and in all even refer, and in said respect, and to speak and of Africa and as it is, and to said talk, and of the said even 'spirit of the Drum' that is, and if not as said a 'War spirit' too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even name of 'Madiba' that is, and of Nelson Mandela and in South Africa too, and in the said even here, attempt, to in all too associate it all, and with a said too here 'codec' that is, and that would too and in all say 'Some are in all even said as African, Others are in all even said to be, Others are in all even said as never are'.

Africa :