Saturday, June 24, 2017


of African Crustaceans.

This very entry, does have to do, and with the said even Direction, and that Media and in Kenya today, and if not in said East Africa too, is too believed said to in all take, and in said regard, and to the said too betterment of all, and in said even regard now, and to what a said Media Development Agency, is in all even said all about that is. That it all too, does now refer, and to Media, and as said too perceived in all, and from speak, and of what is said as a View, or of said Exposure too, and if not of what is said as the Point, and as said to in all even speak, and of those said termed as Nationality, those said as Mwananchi too, and if not of the said Mzalendo [outsider, foreigner etc.] too that is, and all as said respectively too that is.

That it all too would be said, to in all even refer, and to a said even agreement, and on the said too origins, and of what is said as civilization in itself, and if not as said society in itself too that is. That it is too said believed, that the Human, is in all even believed said as awake, and in said regard, to speak, and of the said even Sexual Force, or of the said Sexual Impulse too, and from which, or by which, and in said even regard, and to the said even origins of civilization, the Human, is in all even believed said, to in all even now have to him or her, a said too idea, concept, hint, clue, fancy etc., and in said even regard, and to what is said as Human life in itself, and with it all as said even believed to lead, and to what too, some would too term as said Kundalini for instance, or of the said even Power of the Serpent too that is, and from which it can too be said that, the Human, is too said even now believed defined in all, and by talk, and of what is said as Intimacy in itself, and as believed said to in all speak, and of all there is that is.

However, it too can be said that, an alternate said Theory, and on the said even origins of civilization, but as said society too, does too and in all even exist, and in said even regard now, and to the Human, and as said fully defined in all, and by talk and of what is said as Pride, and if not of said Fear in itself too that is. A said too Theory, and that does too associate the said even origins of civilization, and as said society too, and with talk and of what is said as courage, daring, effort, practice etc., and which too would be said even, to in all even lead, and to speak probably it can best be said, of the said even Kiswahili term, said too Religious, and of Moyo for instance, or of the said Heart, and as said Human too, and in said Courage too that is, and in too saying that, it all does too speak, and of the Human in 'himself', or in 'Herself', and as said too truly defined in all, and by speak, and of the said even Heartfelt in itself, and as said too, all there is that is.