Wednesday, June 28, 2017



the Whisk

the African Fly Whisk.

This entry, could too be said, to in all even deal with, and with said too Models of the Human, and that do too speak, and of the Human, and in said Comprehension that is, and if not in said Rectification too that is. That it all too, could be said, to in all even speak, and of what some would in all too refer to, and as said to speak, and of what is said as Sabotage that is, and if not of said self-sabotage too for instance. That in many a said way, it will in all even attempt to present, a said too picture that is, and of why many in Kenya, or in said East Africa too, could in all even be said avoidant that is, and of the said too now, Activities, and of what is said as the Church, and in Kenya, or East Africa too that is.

That in too saying that, the Church, is too believed said to in all even bring, understanding, and in our said lives too, and in said even regard, to what is said as Meaning or Purpose too, now is to and in all even attempt, to not only trace the said History and of the Church, and as said Roman [Link] too, and to speak and of its said existence, and in said North Africa too that is, but that in all again, in speak, and of what is said as Rectification, and of the said too Activities and of the Church, and if not in said regard to the belief that, what they do term Sabotage, can too be said even defining in all, and of our very said lives too that is, now is to and in all even speak, or ask, and of the very said manner in all, we would too be said to in all even perceive that is, what is said as Limitation, or of said Limit in itself too that is.

That in understanding the said even ways of the Church, and in said comparison now, and to the said too ways of the Human that is, now is to and in all even claim that, the Church, and as said too Roman, has in all often, associated itself, and with a said even Model of the Human, and in said Comprehension too, and that would too speak, and of what is said as Acknowledgement in itself, and if not of the said Human Body in itself too, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said as Registry that is. In however saying that, the said even ways of the Human, do in a even differ, now is to ask, and of what is said as Limitation in itself that is, and if not of said Limits too, and in too saying that, what can be said termed as said Human societies that is, are too believed said now to in all even evolve, and in speak too and of what is said as Limitation in itself, and if not in said too regard, and to what is said as Barter that is, of said Bartering too, and if not of what is said as Exchange in itself too that is.

In now understanding, the said even History of the Church, but as said Roman, and not that as said Missionary, or as said too as Victorian that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to what can be said termed as the Church tradition in itself that is, and in now referring, and to speak, and not of what is said as Computation in itself, and of the said even invention of the Computer in itself too that is, but that in all again, speak now, and of what can be said termed as Permutations truly, and if not of what is believed said to speak, and of what is said as Magic in itself too that is. That the said even History of the Church, but as said Roman too, has been known to in all engage those, who do in all even believe in, or practise that is, what is said as Magic in itself that is, and which does too and in all even refer, and to the said even practises, and of those too often termed as said Moorish for instance, and in said European or Spanish History too, and in too saying that, in said even regard now, and to the said History of the Church, and as said too Roman that is, and vis-a-vis, talk of the said History of Egypt too, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as Form, and of that said too Form of Jesus Christ that is, but if not of what is said as Form, and as said too now perceived in all, and from it all that is, what is said as Form that is, and in said Depiction, in said Portrayal, as said Imagined, as said Conjured too, as said Physical, of the said 'Said Form' that is etc. In many a said way too, speak too now, and of the Church, and in History, and as said too engaged and in talk, and of what is said too as Freemasonry for instance.

In speak though, and of the Church, and as often said as Missionary that is, and into Africa too, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said as Rectification in itself, and of the said Human, and if not of what is said as Sabotage, and of said Existence too, and if not as said Reality in itself too that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Memory in itself that is. That it all too, what is said as Memory, and as said too African that is, could in all even be said to speak, and of what is said as the Whisk for instance, of the said even now Connection between things that is, and if not of the said too arrival for instance, and of the said Telephone, and into Kenya or East Africa in itself too that is. That in said regard and to what is said as the Memory in itself, of the said too African Memory that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of a said even Colonial Kenya too that is, and in said Media too, and in too saying that, what is said as Memory, said too as Personal or Individual that is, now does too speak it can be said, and of what is said as Displacement in itself, of said Trajection in itself too, and if not of the said even Turn-point too for instance, and in said regard now, and to what is said as Symbol, Totem, and if not of the said Title too, and as all said respectively too that is.

In however saying that, the said even activities of the Church, but as said Missionary too, do in all even deal with, and with talk and of what is said as the Mind that is, and in said even regard, to speak, and of the said even acts of Jesus that is, and as said too Jesus Christ that is, and not Christ truly either, now is to and in all even involve one that is, and in the said too here Politics of the Mind that is, and of the said History of Italy too for instance, and that does too associate talk of the Mind, and as said too running for instance, and with talk too and of what is said as Associate in itself that is, and in too saying that, the said even activities of the Church, but as said Missionary too, can too now be said to in all even speak, and of the said Physical Form in itself that is, of it in said Heath too, or in said Outline too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to the said too Connection between things that is, or of what is said as Connection in itself that is, and as said too now, and to in all speak and of what is said as Memory in itself that is. In many a said way, it too can be said that, in talk and of what is said as Connection, and if not of what is said as Existence in itself too, said too now Outlined that is, then it can too be said that, in talk of Kenya, and if not of said East Africa too, and as said too Outlined that is, and in talk and of what is said as Regionalism too for instance, and of the said too Connection between things that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to speak too and of the said Swahili lands, as said too the Swahili Coast that is, of the said Arabian Peninsula too, and not of the said Middle East, or of the said Persian Gulf truly either, and if not of Ethiopia and Somalia too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the very name of Abyssinia in itself too for instance.

In too concluding on all this said, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Memory, of the said too Connection between things, and if not of what is said as Connection in itself, and of the said too Telephone in Kenya or East Africa too that is, now is to speak, and of what is said as Moveable, and if not of the said Immoveable too that is, and in said even regard now, and to speak too and of what is said as everything there is that is. That it all too, would in all even be said, and to speak and of what is said as Immediacy in itself that is, and of the said even Divide, and between the said even African Day, and of the said too African Night that is, and if not as said Kenyan, or East African too that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Mediacy in itself that is, we can too now be said to in all even refer, and to what is said as Media in itself, and if not of the said too Minisecond that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is said as Separate that is, and of Kenya, East Africa, Africa, and if not of the said Swahili lands too, as said too perceived in all as such, in said speak and of what is said as Separate that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what is believed said as National, Local, Regional, Territorial etc.

Soon to follow: 

the Whisk, the Rungu, the Notepad, the Personal Computer.

of Mediacy:

Monday, June 26, 2017

Papa Wemba

Papa Wemba.

Papa Wemba, and of the said African Interlude.

Chacun pour soi :


Ye te oh :


Saturday, June 24, 2017

the Kenyan Flower

the Kenyan Flower --- Kenyan Flowers.



of African Crustaceans.

This very entry, does have to do, and with the said even Direction, and that Media and in Kenya today, and if not in said East Africa too, is too believed said to in all take, and in said regard, and to the said too betterment of all, and in said even regard now, and to what a said Media Development Agency, is in all even said all about that is. That it all too, does now refer, and to Media, and as said too perceived in all, and from speak, and of what is said as a View, or of said Exposure too, and if not of what is said as the Point, and as said to in all even speak, and of those said termed as Nationality, those said as Mwananchi too, and if not of the said Mzalendo [outsider, foreigner etc.] too that is, and all as said respectively too that is.

That it all too would be said, to in all even refer, and to a said even agreement, and on the said too origins, and of what is said as civilization in itself, and if not as said society in itself too that is. That it is too said believed, that the Human, is in all even believed said as awake, and in said regard, to speak, and of the said even Sexual Force, or of the said Sexual Impulse too, and from which, or by which, and in said even regard, and to the said even origins of civilization, the Human, is in all even believed said, to in all even now have to him or her, a said too idea, concept, hint, clue, fancy etc., and in said even regard, and to what is said as Human life in itself, and with it all as said even believed to lead, and to what too, some would too term as said Kundalini for instance, or of the said even Power of the Serpent too that is, and from which it can too be said that, the Human, is too said even now believed defined in all, and by talk, and of what is said as Intimacy in itself, and as believed said to in all speak, and of all there is that is.

However, it too can be said that, an alternate said Theory, and on the said even origins of civilization, but as said society too, does too and in all even exist, and in said even regard now, and to the Human, and as said fully defined in all, and by talk and of what is said as Pride, and if not of said Fear in itself too that is. A said too Theory, and that does too associate the said even origins of civilization, and as said society too, and with talk and of what is said as courage, daring, effort, practice etc., and which too would be said even, to in all even lead, and to speak probably it can best be said, of the said even Kiswahili term, said too Religious, and of Moyo for instance, or of the said Heart, and as said Human too, and in said Courage too that is, and in too saying that, it all does too speak, and of the Human in 'himself', or in 'Herself', and as said too truly defined in all, and by speak, and of the said even Heartfelt in itself, and as said too, all there is that is.

the Compendium

the Compendium.

the Lion

the African Lion.

on Self-Realization.

When we do and in all even refer, and to the very said term of the Dawn, or of what is said to as Dawn we can too be said, to in all even refer, and to the said two Feet, we do in a even stand on. That it too can be said that, the very said term of the Dawn, or of the said Dawning too, does and in all even now differ, and from the said even origins, birth, arisings, beginnings, starts etc., and of what is said Civilization in itself that is, for what is said as the Dawn, or of the said Dawning too, can too be said to in all even speak, and of what can be said termed as 'Self-Realization' in itself that is, and which can too now be said even merely perceived, and from the very said even term of Collectively that is, for it is too said a term, and that could too be said to in all even speak, and of the said even African Lion that is, and of what they do term a Pride of Lions too that is, and as said to in all even impact one, and in said talk too, and of what is said as a Mark in itself, and on ones said Conscience too, and if not of it all as said too an Impression that is, and of what is said to speak of the African Lion, or of the said Pride of Lions too that is. In many a way, and in said even regard, and to what is said as the Self, such a said Mark, and on the Conscience, and if not of the said African Lion and in said Impression too, now is too said a Mark, and upon which talk, and of what is said as Civilization, can too be said even built upon that is.

The Kenya Media Project.

This said section, and on what can be said termed as said, the Kenya Media Project, can too be said to in all even refer, and to what some have termed, as said Human Endeavour that is, and if not in said regard to speak, and of said Human History too, and that can too be said even best perceived, and in said regard and to the said even rise of Civilizations in itself that is, and from the said too perspective, and of what are said as Classification Systems that is, and if not in said regard, to speak, and of what are said as of Forms of Knowledge that is, and that do in all even speak, and of said too Classes of Knowledge that is.

In saying that, the said even rise of Civilization, is too said even to speak, and of what is said as Iron, Monument, Text, Temple, Settlement etc., we can too now be said, to in all even refer, and to the said Kenya Media Project, and as said to in all even speak of, and of what is said too as a Community Center that is, and if it can too be said that, it a does too refer, and to the said even Classification of Knowledge in itself, and in said regard, and to what is said as a Field of Study, or of said Knowledge too, and if not of the said too Fielding of such said Knowledge that is. In many a way, it can be said that, talk of the said Community Center, can too be said even, to in all even have, a said African Psychology to it all, and that would too refer, and to the said even Kiswahili term, and of Dunga that is. That what is said as Dunga, does too and in all even differ, and from what is said as Injection for instance, for while Dunga, can too be said even, to in all too speak, and of what is said a prick, and of the said startle too, we can too now though say it all a term, Dunga that is, explainitive in all, and of the said even nature of the African that is, and with it said too, talk of Dunga that is, to in all even impact, those said African, and in said even regard and to what is said as understanding in itself, and if not of what is said as impression in itself too, and at said even now physical, mental, spiritual, somatic etc. levels that is. That in many a said way too, what is said as Dunga, now does too speak, and of the said Mark in itself, and one and in said Reaction in itself too, and to it all, and with it too said even a Response, and that would too speak, and of what is said as Dunga, and of ones said Response to it all too that is.

African Codes

of African Codes.

If one was to be in all, asked, and of what a Code, is in all even said to be, all said even all about, we could too be said, to in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said parlance, or of said even circumlocution too that is, and from which, or whereby, talk of Code, is now said and to in all even equate and to, and to what is in all said as of the INTACT too that is, and if not and of it all too that is, what is said as Code that is, said to and in all even embody that is, or in all even express or encompass too that is, talk too now and of that is, and of what is in all said as Independence in itself too that is, or of said Autonomy in itself too that is.

In talk though, and of what can too be said here and as in all even referred to, and as said African Codes that is, we can in all even be said, to in all too circumscribe, and to speak, and of what is said as Time, and if not of what is said as Technology in itself too, and in said even regard now, and to what are believed said as African Codes that is. That it all can too be said, to in all even refer, and to speak of Africans, and in said Response too, and of what too can be said even, as termed, as said the African Response that is, and to the World and as it is too, and if not of said even, Perceptions that is, and of Time, and in said even regard and to the very said name of Brazil that is, and in said History too, and if not of what is said as Technology in itself too, and of the said name of India too that is, and in said too History that is. That it all, can be said, to in all even beget, the very question, and if or if not, what can be said termed, as said African Time that is, and if not of said African Technology too, is in all even believed said to exist, solely, and in said even regard, and to what, the said even African Response, is in all even believed said to be, or said even all about that is.

That in said regard to what is said as African Time [Link] for instance, the said even belief here that, the said even African Response, does too and in all even speak, and of what is said as Resilience in itself that is, but in speak and of what can be said as African Technology in itself, the said even African Response, said too now, and to not only refer, and to the said too material basis that is, and in said regard and to what is said as Technology in itself, or of said even now Functionality, Productivity, or of said too Adaptivity that is, and in said regard to speak and of Technology in itself, but that in all again, the said African Response and to what can be said as African Technology in itself, said to in all even now probably speak, and of what is said as Reliance in itself too that is.

In having said all the above though, now is to and in all even attempt, to in all even present, speak and of what is said as African Time, or of said African Technology too, anew, and in now associating talk of Time in itself, and with talk too and of what is said as African Language in itself, but in talk of what can be said as Technology in itself, perhaps now, a said even differing view, and of what is said as African Language, and as said too presented in all, and as said too as Oriki for instance. That in too claiming that, what is said as African Time, or of said Time in itself too, and in said even regard to what is said as African Language, it all said now, to best probably and in all, speak, and of the said Kiswahili term and of Wakati that is, and as said even now truly representative and of what African definitions and of Time that is, are in all even said to be, and that would in all too lead, and to talk too, and of what is said as Signal that is, or of said Signaling too, and of Signal, as said even perceived from talk, and of said even Time derivatives that is, for it all too can be said, talk of Signal that is, or of said Signaling too, to in all too lead and to talk, and of what is said as Theory that is, and as said to in all even involve that is, talk too of said Time derivatives in themselves, and if not of what are said as Derivatives in themselves too that is. In talk though, and of what is said believed, and as said as African Technology in itself, and in said even regard, and to what is said as Oriki too that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said as Show, and if not of what is said as Display, and in too saying that, what is now said as Technology, does too now speak, and of the said even Show, and of the said too Display, and as now said as One that is, and that would too and in all even be said, to speak, and of it all as said Weighted that is, and in said even Amount, Measure, Unit too that is, and that would too and in all even fartherly speak, and of what is said as a Pictogram for instance.

In however now claiming that, African Codes, to in all even speak, and of what is said as Signal, and of what is said as Picture too that is, and of said Time, and if not of what is said as Technology in itsef too, now is to and in all even speak, and of it all as said presented, and from a said too Signal Formation that is, and that would too and in all even speak, and of said even Communications, and as said channels too, and between God and Man, or as said between Man, and Animal, spirit, Ancestors, his environments etc., and as in all said too now understood, and from talk and of what is said as Picture, or of the said even Mental Image too for instance, and of what too is believed said as Reality in itself, and as said too perceived now and in all, and from talk, and of what is said as a Pause in itself that is.

In having said all the above, now is to speak too, and of what is said as Protocol, and as said to in all even embody, talk and of said African Codes too that is, and in said regard, and to what is said as Political Identity, and if not of said Politicized Identity too that is, and that is too and in all even now, said best realized in all, and from speak, and of what does in all even pass for, or serve for that is, and for speak, and of a said even African Regionalism that is, and that would too best equate it can be said, and to speak and of Africa and as said perceived, and as said too Congolese that is.

In the now saying and of, and of what are in all said as of African Codes too that is, and as in all said now and as approximated to, and to what is in all said as of the Islamic in itself too that is, [Link], now is to and in all even associate that is, talk, and of said even now Islamic Belief in itself too that is, and to what is in all said as of an Object in itself too that is, and in the said even now perceiving and of, and of what is in all said as of the Islamic in itself too that is, and to what is in all said as of the Arabian Peninsula too that is, of the said Persian Gulf too that is, and if not of said Iraq too that is, and of said even now Iran too that is.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

the African Mask

the African Mask.

of the said African Mask, and of the said Common Sensual too.