Thursday, September 6, 2018

(of) the African Lawmaker

(of) the African Lawmaker.

In this said entry, and as in all said as a follow-through too that is, and to the said previous entry, and on the said African Lawmaker that is, now is to and in all even say it all, and as in all said as to speak and of, and of the said World and as it is, and if not and as in all said as viewed, and in said complication too that is, and in speak too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Religious Law too that is, and which can and in all too, be as said as to speak and of a said Africa that is, and as in all said as simply or merely perceived, and in talk of, and of the said Egyptian, the said African, and if not of the said Swahili too that is.

That in making sense and of all this just said, now is to and in all even, define, talk, and of said Religious Law that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of said Secular law, of said Common law too, and if not of said Community law too that is. That all this is said, of what is in all said as of Religious Law that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in speak or in talk and of, and of what is in all said as of a Biological Reality too that is, and of said Reality in itself too that is, and that would too and in all be as said, as to and in all even speak and of, and of what are in all said as Links that is, as said as Human, Familial, Genetic etc. that is, and in the now saying that, it all does and in all too call upon, the very said question, and of the said Human, and in said Links too, Ancestral, Historical, Communal etc., and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk and of, and of said Mitochondria that is, Link, of said MtDna, of said DNA/RNA, of said Blood Plasma, of said White Blood cells etc. that is, and in the said even now attempt, and to and in all even uncover, what and in all, is believed as said as to and in all even truly, or fully, define that is, the said Human, and in said Response, Reaction, Recovery, Respect etc. that is.

That all this is said, and in speak and of a said Africa today, and if not of the said World too that is, Modern, Western, Islamic, Arab etc. that is, and as in all said now as perceived by some or many, and in talk too now and of, and of the said question and of said race too that is, and that would and in all, be as said as best perceived that is, and in talk and of a said Northern America that is, and if not of said Mexico too, and of what and in all again, is in all believed as said, as to speak and of, and of the said even now White, Yellow, Red, and if not of the said, Black, races too that is.

That in making sense and of all this just said, now is to and in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as of a Law Body that is, or of the said Law Body in itself too that is, and if not and as in all said now as perceived, and in speak, and of the said Historical Context in itself too that is, and as in all said now as to speak and of, or as in all said too as perceived, and in talk of, and of said Egypt and the said Near East too, of said Africa and of the said Continental too, of the said Arab World and of said Occidentalism too, and if not of said India and of said Jainism too that is: and if not in speak and of said Missionarism, Seminarianism, Orientalism etc. too that is.

That all this is too said, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all believed as said as to speak and of a said Unlawful Africa too that is, and in the said Historical Context too that is, and if not of a said Africa today too that is, and in the said Governing, or in the said Regulating, and of said African societies too that is, and of said Africa, and as in all said now believed, and as said as to have and to it all, its own said even now, race classifications that is, and that do and in all even speak and of, and of the said even now following too that is:

1. of the said Berber, the said Niger, the said Guinea, and if not of the said Bantu, and as in all said as the Nguni too that is, and in speak now and of, and of that said name of Credo Mutwa, Sangoma, and in said Southern Africa too that is, and in speak too now and of a said Africa, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of the said Egyptian too that is: Misri, Kehmet, Egypt etc.

2. of the said Bantoid, Negroid, Africoid, and if not of the even now Congoid too, and of said Africa, and as in all said now as perceived, and as in all said as Continent too that is.

3. Of the said Bushman, and in said Southern Africa too, of the said Pygmies, and of said Central Africa, and if not of said East Africa too, of a said Pre-Historic Egypt and Northern Africa too that is, and of all this and as in all said as to refer and to, and to said even now race classifications too that is, and in said Asia too, and that do and in all even refer to, and to the said even now Negritos that is, and if not of the said Pygmies, and of said Asia, or in speak and of said India/Asia too that is.

4. Of said Egypt, and of what is in all said as of Neuromelanin too, of said Africa, and of said Rhesus too, of said India, and of said Kundalini too, and in speak now and of, and of what is in all said as of the African past that is, of said African history too, and if not of the said African Context too that is, and as in all said as perceived by some, and in talk and of the said Tribal too that is.


That all this is and in all again as said, and in talk and of the said even now African Dimension in itself too that is, [Link], and that would and in all too speak and of, and of a said Africa and in said Diversity in itself too, Lingual, and if not in said regard and to, and to speak and of what is in all said as of the Gestural that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to the said African Primate in itself, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of the said Gesture in itself too, and which does and in all even, evoke, talk, and of a said even now Evolutionary memory in itself too that is.