Tuesday, August 21, 2018

the Feedback Loop

the Feedback Loop.

In the said asking and of what can and in all, be as said as a Feedback Loop that is, now is to and in all even, best say it all, as said as a Time Loop too that is, and that would and in all, speak of, or point at, and at what, or of what, is in all said as of the Elevation of Consciousness too that is.

That in the said even now understanding, and of all this just said, and on what is in all said as of the Elevation of Consciousness too that is, now is to and in all even point to, and to what is in all said as of Custom in itself that is, and if not in said Interpretation too, or in said Identity too that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as of a Memory Feedback in itself that is, and in said even regard now, to speak and of ''all there is'', of the said Actual too, and if not of the said African Conscience in itself, and as in all said as Evolutionary too that is.

That in all and again, hopefully, all the above said, can and in all now be as said as interpreted that is, and in speak and of what is in all said as of Custom in itself that is, of the said Customary, Accustomed, Customized, Customer etc. too that is, and in said example too, and as in all said now as definitive that is, and of what is in all said as of Identity in itself that is, and as in all said too as Political that is. 

That in the said even now explaining, and of why and in all, all this said, might be of said significance, or of said importance too, or as in all said as to matter too that is, now is to and in all even claim that, a said even now understanding, and of what is in all said as African that is, and in said Identity in itself too, and if not in said Custom too that is, is in all even believed as said as tied down to that is, and to the said even now History and of the Church, and in said Africa too, for it is those who are and in all, or have and in all, been said as Members of the Church that is, and in said Custom in itself too, and who can be said, as having often and in all, been said as truly, or fully, African that is.

That in the said understanding and of all this much better, of what is in all said as of Custom in itself, and as in all said as defining one, and in said Intellect too for instance, now is to and in all even speak of, and of a said even now, misrepresentation, and of Africa, or of said Africans too that is, and in speak now and of, and of said beliefs and by some, and that Africa, or of said Africans too that is, do and in all even, not have to them that is, or in all lack, what is in all said as Culture, Religion, Philosophy, Authority etc. that is. That in the now saying that, all this just said, can and in all be as said as best perceived, and in speak and of said Custom in itself that is, now is to and in all even present, talk, or speak, and of those and in all said as Africans, and in said regard, and to what is in all said as an Impression in itself that is.

That it all does too speak, and of the said even now relatively unknown History, and of said North East Africa too that is, and of said Egypt, Nubia, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, and of said Eritrea too that is. A said History, and that does and in all even speak and of, or ask and of, and of what is in all said as of Imagery that is, and as in all said as Political, Religious, and if not of the said Cultural too that is. Of such said Imagery, and that does and in all even speak and of, and of said North East Africa's, said historical, relations, Political too, and with said Italy too that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as of Religious Imagery in itself that is, and if not in said Authentication in itself too that is. That it is Italy, or of the said Church and in Italy, and that does and in all even claim, to and in all even represent for that is, and for the said very Image and of Christ that is, and if not on the said Cross in itself too, and of said Imagery in itself too that is, Religious, and in now saying that, talk, and of the said Church, and in said North East Africa too, is in all best said as Monastic too that is, and in now saying that, Christianity in itself, is in all even said as embodied, and in talk and of said Imagery in itself too that is, and in the now saying that, it all could too be as said, as to speak and of what is in all said as of Custom in itself, and if not in speak, and of the said Customary in itself too that is. That all this is too said, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said history and of the Church, and in said East Africa too that is, and which can and in all be as said as best interpreted that is, and in talk of, and of the said Church and in said North Africa too that is, and in said History too, and if not in said Custom in itself, and of the said even name, and of St. Augustine of Hippo too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said even now, Politics, and of the said Papacy in itself too that is. That in all again, what can too be as said here is that, the said Church and in said North East Africa, does and in all even, embody, Power, and in said Imagery too that is, and if not in said Custom in itself too, and of said even now Centers of Power too for instance, and when and in all too said as perceived, and in talk and of said even now Egypt, Nubia, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and if not of said Somalia in itself too that is, and in said even now Political Imagery in itself too that is.

That in speak now and of, and of said North East Africa that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what are in all said as of Regions of Power that is, it all can now and in all , be as said as to speak and of said diversity that is, and in said North East Africa too, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of the said Symbolic too that is. That it all does too and in all even speak and of, and of the said even now Pharaohs of Egypt that is, and of those and in all said as perceived, and if not in said Intellect too that is, and as in all said as Egyptian, African, Nubian, Sudanese, Cushite, Moor, Ethiopian, Nilote etc. that is. For it is in such said classification that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in said Custom in itself too, and that is in all believed said as to and in all even belie that is, the said even now, rise, and of said Knowledge systems that is, and that can and in all be as said as Freemasonic too that is, and in now saying that, in speak and of the said Politics and of the said World today, a said even now misunderstanding that is, and of just who is who, and in said even regard now, and to all this just said that is. That in the said understanding and of all this just said, now is to and in all even say that, the said History and of Numidia, or Carthage, does and in all even speak and of the said African, of Nigeria and the Moor, of the Swahili and the Egyptian, and if not of said East Africa, and Central Africa too, and of the Sudanese that is. That in all again, it can be said that, the Egyptians, were never truly more or less said as Nubian that is, and when perceived as African too that is, but more or less as said, as Sudanese that is, and in speak now and of. and of the said even now Sudanid that is.

In all, the above said, all of it, or of all the above said too that is, does and in all even now refer to, and to what is in all believed said as of the African Social Contract that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to the said even now African Collective Memory in itself that is, and of the said even now African Conscience in itself too, and of all this as best said, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as of Custom in itself that is, and as said now as perceived, and in speak and of said Sub-Saharan Africa too that is, or in talk and of said Africa, and as in all said as politicized, racialized, demonized etc. that is, and as best said now as perceived, and in talk and of the said even now term and of Customisation too that is, and of said Sub-Saharan Africa that is, and in said Development in itself too, today, and as in all best said as to point at, and at speak and of the said even now Sudanese that is.