Monday, July 16, 2018

the News

the African News.

In this said entry, and on the said even now attempt, and to and in all even now, explain that is, the said even now News that is, we can and in all say it all, and to speak, and of said Impact in itself, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said Behavioural too that is. That in the said even now simply, or merely, perceiving, talk, and of the said News, and in talk, and of the said News Item too that is, and if not of the said Newsworthy too that is, we can and in all now, be as said as frontally too that is, to be said as to and in all speak of, and of a said even now manner in all, and of perceiving, talk, and of said Kenya, East Africa, and if not of said Africa too that is, and in talk, and of the said even now Charting and of it all that is, and if not in speak and of, and of said Environment, and if not as said as Habitat too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can and in all too, be as said as a tributary too that is.

That in the said even now asking and of, and of what are in all, said as the News that is, and if not in said basis too that is, we could too be as said, and to and in all even point at, and at the said too here, African Rodent in itself, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is in all too said as Filth in itself that is.

That in the said even now associating, talk, and of the said News, and with talk, and of said life in itself too that is, we could and in all, be now and as said, and to speak and of what can and in all too, be as said as a Mutation that is, and if not in speak too and of, and of the said Virus in itself, and as in all said as representative that is, and of said life in itself too that is, and of said life in itself, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk, and of the said mirroring that is, and if not of the said shadowing too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can and in all, be as said as a Virus body that is, and if not of a said Virus agent too that is, and of all this and as in all said as respectively too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can and in all too, be as said as a barrier in itself too that is.

In having said all this, now is to and in all even associate, talk, and of said Mutation that is, and with talk too and of the said margins and of life in itself that is, and in now saying that, in said regard and to speak, and of the said News that is, all there is to it, is the said even now News Item in itself that is, and in now associating, talk, and of the said Newsworthy too that is, and with talk, and of said boundaries too that is, +ve, -ve, that is, and with speak and of what is in all too believed said as to lie outside that is, speak, and of the said Newsworthy in itself, and in speak too and of the said even now open-ended too for instance, now as said as to speak and of, and of said even now perceptions, and of the said even now bordering, and if not of said borders too that is. That all this is said, and in speak too now and of, and of what is in all said as Information that is, and of the said Coded too, and of the said News, and of the said Codified too that is, and in now saying that, in speak and of said Africa, or of said even now Kenya, East Africa, and of said Africa too that is, then it all can too, be as said as best said as perceived that is, and in talk, and of the said News that is, and not of said Information truly either that is, and of said Networks or Systems too, and in now saying that, in talk and of the said News that is, a said even now manner and in all, and of Mapping, talk, and of said Kenya, and of said East Africa too, and in speak too now and of, and of what is in all said as Content(s) that is, and if not in said too Distribution that is, of what is in all said as the Internet that is, and if not in said too Access that is, and if not and in all again, in speak and of what is in all said as Political jurisdiction that is, and if not in said too Service that is.

That in now saying that, all the above said, can and in all even be as said as to point to, and to what are in all said as Tracings that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as the News in itself too that is, we can now and in all, be as said as to tackle, the very said even now question that is, and of what are in all, said as News sources too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of, and of what is in all believed said as Human Development in itself too that is.

That in speak now and of, and of what is in all said as a News Item that is, we can and in all, be as said as to speak and of the said Structural too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of said City Development too that is, and of said Towns, and if not of said Local Developments too that is, and in said Kenya too that is, and if not in speak and of the said Districts of Nairobi too for instance, and in now saying that, it all could too be as said, and to speak and of the said term of Initiative that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said Initial, and of the said Initiate too that is, and of the said Doing, and if not of the said Acting too that is, and of all this and as in all said, and in speak and of the said structural that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk and of said Virus in itself too that is.

In speak though, and of the said Newsworthy that is, now is to and in all even refer to, and to the said even now Constructional that is, and if not in said Objective too that is, and in speak too now and of, and of said Urban Development for instance, and if not in speak and of said City Councils too that is [and of the said even now "private" war that is, and by the Blogger here too, and as in all said as targeted that is, and towards speak of, and of said even now "ongata rongai" that is, Link, and in said Nairobi too that is], and such that, all this is said, is in all as said, and in speak too now and of, and of what is in all said as an Object that is, and if not in the said pointing, fact or belief too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of what is in all said as a Virus agent in itself too that is, and if not of the said Virus body in itself too that is.

In speak now and of though, and of what can and in all, be as said as a Newsfile too that is, we can and in all, be as said as to bestly speak and of. and of said life in itself, and if not in said proximity, or of the said proximate too that is, and if not of the said even now approximate too that is, and of what is in all said as Life in itself too that is, and in said even regard now, or in speak too now and of, and of what is in all too said as Dimension that is, of said too Context, and if not of said too Reality that is.

In having said all this, now is to and in all even close up and on it all, and in talk now and of, and of said News Media too that is, and in now associating it all, of said News Media that is, and with talk too and of the said even now Briefing in itself that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of what is in all believed said as an Abstract Reality that is, and as in all said now and again, as said as to and in all even allude to that is, and to speak and of the said African Rodent that is, and in now saying that, and in speak and of the said Marginal too that is, what is in all said as an Abstract Reality that is, can and in all even be as said as to speak and of, and of a said Virus and in itself that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of such a said Virus and in itself, and in said transmission, or in speak and of the said carrier too, and of said Virus modes too that is, in said signaling or signal too, and if not in speak, and of the said bearing too that is, and of said Viral modes too that is, and such that, what can and in all, be as said as a Reality in itself, can and in all now, be as said as to speak and of a said Abstract Reality in itself that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in speak and of, or as in all said as a, as a 'Diagram' too that is, and as in all too said as encoded that is, and in speak and of a said Virus in itself that is, and of all this and as said, and as said as perceived that is, and in talk and of a said virus that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and as said as deadly, or as said as virulent too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said Abstract Reality, of said Virus and in itself, and if not of the said 'Diagram' too that is, and as in all said now as represented for that is, and in talk, and of said even now Wave Theory too for instance.

It can and in all too, be as said here that, what is in all said as an Abstract Reality that is, can and in all even be as said now, and to speak too and of, and of the said even now following termings that is, and in the said kiswahili too, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of said Kenya, and if not of said East Africa too that is, and in speak too now and of, and of the said even now, Kenyan, East African, and if not of the said, African, Context too that is, and if not in a said even now referral to that is, and to the said even now African Story in itself that is: U-Swahili, [Link], U-Ngumi, [Link], U-Serikali, U-Kanisa, [Link], U-Binadamu, [Link], U-koloni, [Link], U-Victoria, [Link], etc.