Wednesday, April 11, 2018

the Sacral

The Sacral.

In this said entry, and on what is in all believed said as the Sacral that is, we shall too approach it all, and in said talk too now of, and of the said Sacred, and as in all said now as believed, and as said as perceived, and in talk too and of that said Media, and if not as said as Consciousness too, and that would too be said, and to in all even refer to, and to what is in all believed said as Legitimate that is, and if not of said Legitimacy too, of said even now Validity that is, and if not of said Validation too that is, and of the said even now Verified too that is, and if not of said Verification too that is.

That it all can too be said, that in speak and of the said Sacred, we can too now be said, and to in all even allude to, and to speak and of said Africa in itself, and in said even now Kingship too that is.

Faces of Africa - Jomo Kenyatta :
The Founding Father of Kenya
CGTN Africa


In now saying that, that the said Sacral, can and in all, be said as to differ, and from what is in all said as Sacred that is, now is to and in all again, refer to, or speak of, and of what is in all, or can in all, be said as Sacredness too that is, and if not and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk too of, and of what can in all, be said as termed, and as said as an Information Codec too that is, and of the said even now, very manner in all, Information, and if not of said Knowledge in itself too, is in all said as perceived, and in said even now Exchange too that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk too and of the said Link too that is, i.e. Inter-change, Overpass, Underpass etc., and if not and as in all said now and again, as perceived, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said societies of today, and as in all said now as defined, and in talk too of, and of the said Feedback in itself too that is. That it all too, can and in all, be said, and to in all even point at, or in all too allude to, and to speak of, and of the said even now histories, and of said France and England too that is, [Link], and if not of said Sicily and Italy, [Link], too that is.

All this and as said, of the said Sacral that is and in said even regard now, and to speak and of said Egyptian History, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk of, and of the said Neter too that is, [Link], and such that, it all could too be said, and to speak and of the said Neter, and in said even regard now, or in speak too of, and of what is in all said as Decency, and if not of said Indecency too that is.

That it all can too be said, and to speak of, of the said Sacral that is, and of said Africa in itself, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk and of what is in all said to speak of, and of the said Congo, of said Botswana too, and if not of the said Swahili that is, and as in all said now and again,  and as said as perceived, and in talk of, and of what is in all, or can in all, be said as African Mythology that is, and as in all best said as perceived, and as said as Bantu too that is, [Link], and of all this and as said, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk too now of, and of said African Religious Titles too that is, and such as that of the said African Healer too, and if not of said African Political Titles too that is, and of the said even now Militaristic too that is.

In finishing up, and on all this said, now is to and in all even speak of, and in said regard, and to the said even now Sacral in itself too that is, and of the said African Traditionalist, and if not as said as an Africanist too that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk too and of said Kenya, and as it was, or as it is, and as in all said as a Democratic Republic too that is, and if not as said as a Republic too that is, and in said speak too now of, and of what are in all said as Presidential Awards, Orders, and if not of said Medals too, and in said regard, and to speak too now of, and of the said even now Order of the Burning Spear too that is. That all this is too said, and in the said even now attempt, and to in all even differentiate, talk and of said Kenya, and from talk and of said East Africa too that is, or of said Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania too that is, for it is with the said latter, of said East Africa that is, and whereby, we do and in all even now come across that is, talk of the said Nationalist, and as in all said as Kenyan, Ugandan, and if not as said as Tanzanian too, and of all this and as said, of said East Africa too that is, as said, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Bantu, and as in all said now and as said as perceived, and in talk too of that is, and of the said even now following that is: Ntu, Bantuism, Ubuntu, Jamii, Assegai etc.