Friday, February 16, 2018


of Instillation.

In this entry, and as in all said as aptly titled, Instillation that is, we shall too approach it all, and from speak, and of what is in all believed said as Thinking, and if not in said regard, and to what can be said as 'the African Codec' that is. That in speak, and of what can be said as Thinking, we too could be said, and to in all even say it all, and as in all said as 'Process' that is, and if not in said regard, and to what can in all, be said as Distillation, Internalization, Indoctrination etc., and in said example too that is. That all this said, is in all even said, and in said regard, and to what can in all be said as, the African Codec that is, and which does and in all too, propose, the said even view that, that Africans, have and in all even it is believed, very much evolved and on their very said own too that is, and if not in said regard, and to what can in all be said as, or said to speak of, and of a said Individual, Personal, Evolutionary etc. Sense that is, and which does and in all too, speak too of, or be said and to in all even look upon, what are in all believed said as African Value Systems that is, and if not of said African Values in themselves too that is.

That all this, is said, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of Thinking, and not of said Intelligence truly either, and in saying that, Thinking, has in all even been said known, or is in all said as associated with, and with talk and of said Defeatism that is, and if not in said speak, and of what is in all said as Proof, or of said Evidence too, and in now associating, talk, and of said even now, Natural Intelligence in itself, and with talk too, and of what can in all, be said as Computation in itself, and not of said Calculation truly either.

That all this said, the above that is, is in all even said, and in speak, and of the said even now, contents, and of this very said Blog too that is, and which would to be said, and to be in all even, associated that is, and to talk, and of what can in all be said as Arisings, and if not of said Risings, [Link], too that is.

In having said all this, now is to and in all even tackle, the very said question, and of what and in all, Instillation, or of said Instillations too that is, is or are in all even said believed all about that is, and in now associating all this just said, and with talk too, and of what can in all be said as Acquired Intelligence that is. That what can in all, be said as Acquired Intelligence, something said not too easy, and in said even now comprehension that is, and in its said explaining too that is, and other than in talk, and of it as said perceived, and from said even now Egyptian dimensions that is, and which do and in all too that is, border, and in talk, and of said even now Body , Bodily Formations in themselves that is. That in saying that, or in speak of, and of Africa, and in said regard, and to what is in all said as Acquired Intelligence that is, we too could be said, and to in all even refer to, and to what are in all said as 'Modes of Thinking' that is, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of what are in all believed said as African Bodies that is, and in too saying that, or in now saying that, what are in all said as 'Modes of Thought', could too be said as French too that is, and in said even regard. and to speak of, and of the said even now Natural Body in itself too that is, but of said Thought in itself, it too often said as presupposed, and to in all even speak of, and of said even now Italian Bodies too that is.

All the above just said, and of said Acquired Intelligence too, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all, be said as Instillation that is, and as in all said to speak of, and of the said even now possessing, or having to one, and of what can in all be said as Intelligence in itself that is, and if not in said regard, and to what some have in all termed, and as in all said as Sublimation too that is, and as in all said believed by some, a said even now Psychic 'Process' in itself that is, and in too saying that, it all does too now speak of, and of the said even now grounding and in all, and of said even now African Identity in itself, and in speak too of, and of what can in all be said as 'the African Unconscious' that is. Of the said 'African Unconscious', and that does too and in even all ask of, and of what are in all believed said to speak of, and of said African relations that is, and in said even regard, and to what can in all be said to speak and of, and of a said even now self-Image, self-Perception etc. that is. Of said Instillation, and that would too tell one that, the English, and the Dutch, are in all even believed as said, as akin to each other, and in said even now, relations that is, and as in all said as political too, but in speak, and of said even now African relations that is, speak too now, and of Africa's said recent History, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of the said 'Scramble for Africa' that is, and which would too be said, associated in all or in all acquainted with, and with talk of, and of a said even now Victorian Sense [Link] that is, and if not of the said Colonial Sense [Link] too that is, and in now probably making the said even now, following claim, and that would too say that, in speak and of the said problems Africa does and in all even face today, and if not in said regard to speak of, and of said Instillation in itself too, we too could be said, and to in all even best associate, talk. and of Africa and as it truly is, today, and with talk and of the said even now African Psyche in itself that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk of said Igboland, and if not of said Cameroon too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even now, Historical Status, and that could too be said afforded that is, and in this said Modern Day or Age too, and to speak of the said following: Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, the Swahili, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nubia, Libya, and if not of said Morocco too that is.

 In having said all this, now is to and in all even approach, talk, and of said Instillation, and if not of said Sublimation too, and from speak of, and of what can in all, be said as Gesture, and if not in said regard, and to the said even now, Primate too that is, and as said here referred to, and in speak and of said genericism too that is. That in speak, and of what can be said as Gesture, and if not in said regard, and to speak and of said Instillation too, speak too now, and of what is in all believed said as Motion, of the said Motioning too, and if not of said Gesticulation too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as Sublimation that is, and if not of the said even now 'act' that is, and of Dreaming in itself that is, and in said Sleep too, and which would too be said now, and in speak and of said 'Sleep' that is, and to in all even be said, and to speak and of the Monkey, the Ape, and if not of the said Primate too that is, and in now saying that, what they do and in all even term, and as in all said as a Chimpanzee, does too and in all appear, to in all even speak of, and of the Monkey and Primate as one, but of the said Chimp., it too now said to very much appear, and to in all even speak of, and of the said Monkey and Ape and as said as one that is.

In closing up, and on all this said, now is to and in all even, associate talk, and of all the above said, and of said Instillation, and of said Sublimation too, and with talk and of said African Identity, and as in all said as perceived, and from what can in all be said as African Civ. too that is, and if not in said regard, and to speak too of, and of said even now Historical notions that is, and of what is in all believed said, and as said as truly African that is, and that can too be said now, or could too be said now, and as in all said centered, and in talk too of, and of the said Countries and of Angola [Link], and if not of said Zimbabwe too that is.