Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Into Africa

Into Africa.

When we do and in all here, speak of, or refer to, and to what can in all be said as 'Into Africa' that is, we can too be said, and to in all even refer to, and to many a said Myth that is, and that would too be said and to in all even refer to, and to speak too  and of the said even now Conquering of Africa that is, but if not of Africa, and in said Conquest too,  and that would too now be said, and to in all even speak of it can be said, and of what is in all said as an Individual Sense [Link] that is, and if not of one, and as in all said as having, possessing, or in all developing too that is, such a said Sense, and as said as Individual too that is.

That it all too, of what can in all be said, and to speak of, and of 'Into Africa' that is, and of the said even now divide, and between Egypt, and of said Africa too, can too be said, and to in all even speak of Egypt, and of its said even History, and in said even now referral, and to what is in all too said as Presence that is, but that in speak of Africa and as such, speak too now, and of what can in all too be said as 'spirit' that is. All this and as said, and in the said even now, full, or true, attempt, and to in all even understand life, and in said Africa today, and if not in speak, and of what is in all said as History, and from the very said even now term and of Akin that is, and that would too be said and to in all even ask of, and of the very said even manner in all, Africa, is in all too said to differ, or even vary that is, and in said even regard, and to speak too of, and of what is in all said to speak and of Africa and in History, and if not of its said even now peoples too that is.

In the said even now attempt, and to in all even expose, what can in all be said, and to speak and of what is in all said as 'Into Africa' too that is, we can too now be said and to speak of, or ask of, and of what can in all be said and to in all even refer to, and to the said African Interior, and if not of the said even now, African Exterior too that is. That in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Interior, and of the said Exterior too, we can too now best refer to, and to what is in all said as Language, African that is, and not of Communications truly either, for in speak and of said too now 'Into Africa' that is, we can too be said to speak of, and of what is in all said as documented, recorded, reported, and if not of the said even now fact in itself too, or of what can too be said as ascertained that is, and ins aid even regard and to speak and of said Africa in itself, and if not in said speak too now, and of the said African Interior, and of what can in all too be said as the Interior, and as said as perceived, and from what can in all be said as addition, or of said subtraction too, for in speak and of the said African Exterior, and if not of the said even now Exterior in itself, we can too be said and to in all even point at, and at what is in all said as multiplication, and if not of said division too that is.

In having said all this, now is to and in all even claim that, for many, Africa, is in all too not believed said to in all have to it, a said even now significant, or as said as prominent too, History that is, and to it all, and in too saying that, what is in all believed said as Egyptian Iconography [Link] that is, and if not of the said even now Egyptian Kingship and Pharaonic systems too, are often believed said as in all best perceived, and from talk too, and of said Nubia that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as African History that is, and as in all said as best perceived, and from speak too now, and of said even now African Chiefdoms that is, for we can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of Africa, and of its said History too, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Hierarchy, and if not of said even now Levels and Dimensions that is, of what is in all said as Proportionate, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is in all too said as Reality in itself, and that would too now and in all even, associate, talk, and of Africa and in said History, and with talk too now of said Animal, Plant, and Human Fossils too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what are in all too said as of Links too that is.