Saturday, December 2, 2017

African Philosophism

of African Philosophism.

When we do and in all speak of, and of what can in all too be said as African Philosophism that is, we are too said, as not only said as referring, and to speak and of what is in all said as Philosophy that is, and if not as said too as adapted that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even now African Situation in itself that is. That in however, putting or placing all this said, and into its said even proper Context that is, now is to and in all even claim that, what is in all said as African Philosophism, is too best said as perceived in all, and from what was in all said to speak, and of a said even now Victorian Africa that is, and if not of what is in all said as 'the self' that is, and in said even comparison, and to speak, and of a said even now Missionary Christianity, British, or of a said too European Africa that is, and that would too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what can in all be said, and to speak and of a said even now African Ethnicism that is.

That in helping one understand, what is in all said as African Philosophism, and from what can too be said as Language in itself that is, perhaps and in all, a said even now reference, and to speak and of the said even Language,and of Kiswahili that is, and of its said even Status, and within said even now Africa in itself that is, and that can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as Maoni, of said Maombi too, and if not of said Mawazo too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Referential, and if not of the said too Referral that is. That in said even regard, and to speak, and of what is in all said as Referential, and if not of the said too Referral that is, and in said even regard now and to speak and of what is in all said as African Philosophism that is, it all can too be said, and to in all even speak too now, and of what can in all be said as Nationalism that is, of said Democracy too, African, and if not of said Republicanism too that is, and as said too as African that is. In many a said too way, all this as said, and in said even regard, and to speak and of the said even United States of America that is, and in said even regard, and to speak too of, and of what can in all be said as a Clause in itself that is, and as said to in all even speak of, a said even now Legality that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Privacy in itself too that is.

In however truly asking and of, and of what African Philosophism, can in all even be said, and to in all even Stand for, or as said and to in all even Represent for that is, and if not and of what is in all even said as African Philosophism in itself that is, speak too now, or talk too that is, and of what is in all said as the Actual, of what is in all too said as Alignment in itself that is, and if not in said regard, and to what is in all too said as Maladjusted too that is.

In the said asking, and of what African Philosophism, is in all too, said and to in all even entail that is, we can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said even now touting, and for a said too now African Civility in itself, and that would too be said, or can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said even now region and of said North East Africa that is, and of said Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti and if not of said Eritrea too, and as in all even said perceived, and from speak, and of what is in all too said as a Political Entity in itself that is. That in speak, and of such a said, or such a said touted too, African Civility that is, we can too be said, and to in all even refer, and to what is in all too said as organization, and as best said too as org. that is, and that can too be said and to in all even refer, and to what are in all said as multi-systems that is, of said too multi-networks that is, and if not as said too, perceived in all, or as said too as centered, and in speak too, or in said talk too, and of what is in all said as a Gathering that is, as said too as Political, and if not in said even regard, and to what is in all said as a Political Organ that is, and not of said Establishment truly either, Political, and with such a said Organ, as said as Political too, as said too now defining in all, and of life that is, and in said even activity, resource, energy etc.

In too saying that, what can be said as African Philosophism that is, does too and in all even, touch upon, talk, and of what are in all said as Human Limitations that is, or of said too Human Limits that is, now is to and in all even speak of, or refer too, and to the said even now, Religious tome in itself that is, and of what can in all too be said as self-acceptance that is, or of the said too now  'acceptance of self' that is, and which can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all too said as Script, and if not of what is in all too said as a Pictorial that is. That in speak and of the said formerly said, of Script that is, talk too now, and of a said even Kenya, and as said too as perceived in all, or as said too as mapped out that is, and from speak of, and of what is in all said, and as best said too as region that is, does too speak of, and of the said even mapping out that is, and of the said even now Swahili lands that is, of said Kenya too, and if not of said East Africa too, and if not of the said even now, Congo region and of Africa in itself too that is. That such said Mapping, does too, or can too be said and to in all even speak of, and of what is in all said as Swahili, of said Kiswahili too, and if not of said too now, Kikongo that is.In speak though, and of the said even now Pictorial that is, talk too now, and of said even relations, and between the above said mentioned region that is, and in the said too previous sentence that is, and in said regard and to what was in all said as Script that is, and in too saying that, or in now saying that, in talk and of the said too Pictorial that is, talk too now, and of the said foremetioned region that is, and in said relations, or relation, and to speak and of the said Middle East that is, and as best said too as the Arabian Peninsula in itself that is, and if not in said regard and to speak too of, and of said even now Yemen that is, and in said too History that is.

In speak though, and of what can be said as African Philosophism, and as best said too as, perceived in all, and from what is in all said as relative that is, we can too speak of, and of the said even now, country, land, region etc., and of Nigeria that is, and in said even regard now, and to what are in all, said as Mediums that is, and if not in said even regard, and to what is in all too said as Radio, or of said too Film that is. That in the said even now understanding and of all this said better, talk too now, and of what are in all said as Oracles, and in said too Depiction that is, and that in all again, it all can to be said, and to in all even speak of, and of said even now perceptions, and of what is in all said as Consciousness that is, and as said too as perceived, and from what some have in all too termed as said as Altered States of Consciousness that is, and if not as said as ASC too that is, and that would too and in all even be said and to in all even refer to, or speak and of, and of what is in all said as Religion, and if not of said too Ritual that is, and in said even now Africa, and of said Nigeria too, and that would too be said and in all again, and to in all even ask of, or speak of, and of what is in all said as Factor, and of what is in all too said as Detail that is, and if not of the said even now 'Communications Detail' that is, and as best said too as a factor that is, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of Nigeria's said even relations, and with the said even now, rest of Africa that is, and if not as said too as Worldly that is.

In speak though, and of what can in all be said as African Philosophism that is, we can too be said, and to speak and of what is in all said as Discernment that is, and if not of what is in all, is too said and to speak and of the said even now 'core of the self' that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said even now, Hominidal that is, and of the said too Hominid, and of what too is in all said as particular that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even speak and of, and of a said even now African Discernment in itself that is, and that would too speak of, and of what can in all be said as Egyptian History that s, and that can too be said, and to in all even speak and of, and of the said even following that is, and in now saying that, it all does speak of, and of the said even now Pharaohs of Egypt that is, and as having too been said as truly, or fully, as said as Egyptian that is, of the said even now Egyptian State that is, and as said too as Greek, and in said History too, of what can in all be said as Aten, and if not of said Amun, and of said even now Egyptian Militarism too, and as in all said too as 'African' that is, and if not and in all again, of what is in all said as Copt, and of said too now Egyptian Religion that is, and as in all too said as Hebrew that is.

In having those, and in said East Africa , Kenya that is, and in all too understand that is, what is in all said as African Philosophism, and as in all said too as perceived in all, and as said as simply or merely that is, now is to and in all even present, the said even view that, what is in all said as Thinking, can too and in all, be said as fallacious that is, and in its said too ways that is, and in said even regard now, and to speak too of, and of said even now, thoughts that is, and as said too as held, or as said too as believed that is, and that would too now and in all even, all this just said, ask of one, and of the said even true, or full, meaning that is, and of the said too now Kiswahili term, and of Sikiliza that is, or of said too Skiza that is, and that can too be said as perceived in all, and if not as said too as interpreted in all that is, and from speak, and of what is in all too said as Integral , Interval that is. That it all too, of said even now Skiza, or of said too Sikiliza that is, and in said even regard,  and to speak and of said East Africa , Kenya that is, as said too now, and to in all even speak of, or refer to, and to what can too and in all be said as, as said as 'the dotted line' that is.

If it can too be said that, what they do and in all even term, and as said as African Philosophism that is, can too be said, as perceived in all, and from said even now Egyptian directions that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to a said too now Regional , Local Africa that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what is in all said as African Political life that is, and from said speak, or in said speak, and of what is in all said as the Whole, and of the said One too, and if not of the said Any, and of the said All too, and as in all said descriptive that is, and of said African Political life today too that is, and from what is in all said as 'the self' that is, and in said even now comparison that is, and to the said even 'Self' that is, or of what is in all said as 'the Self' that is, and if not of the said too 'African Self' that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and from what is in all said as a Time Removal, or of a said too Removal of Time that is, and that can too be said, and to in all even speak of, and of a said too now, African 'Sense of things' that is, and if not in said too regard, and to what is in all said as Tangibility that is, and if not in said regard now, and to what can in all too be said as an African Response that is, and that would too be said, and to in all even speak of, or refer to, and to the said even now Personal , Impersonal too that is.